Integrate mudra into your practice and life.
Ganesha Mudra: Remove Obstacles
The inspiration for this mudra is from the elephant-headed Hindu deity Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It activates the heart chakra. Use this mudra to release obstacles from a place of joy and light.
How To Do Ganesha Mudra
- Start with your hands in Anjali Mudra.
- Swivel your hands so fingertips point towards opposite elbows: your left palm in front sternum, left thumb down; your right palm facing your heart, right thumb up.
- Lock your fingers with your fingers wrapped around each other and your elbows pointing out towards the sides.
- Mudra is held in front of the heart. Give a tiny pull of elbows away from each other. Feel the muscles of your chest, upper arms and upper back engage. Crown energy lifts up.
- Pull away on exhale.
- Inhale and apply pressure.
- Exhale releasing.
- Find a rhythm of Pull and Release.
- Practice for 5-10 breaths, uniform in length.
- Rest in the mudra and repeat on each side.
- Variation: Bring each thumb to the opposite palm: left hand holding the right thumb and right hand holding the left thumb.
- Gently tug the thumbs (thumbs representing the trunk of Ganesha).
- Breathe in harmony with pulling and softly releasing.
- Practice equally on both sides.
Special Uses Of Ganesha Mudra
- Try this mudra when in standing poses: Warrior One, Warrior Two.
- Ganesha symbolizes courage and releasing self-doubt or fear.
- Deepen your meditation practice by using this mudra with Ganesha Mantra: Om gam ganapataye namaha. (Om is the sound of the universe. Gam is the bija, the seed sound that invokes Ganesha. Ganapataye is a name for Ganesha. Namaha means name.)
Awareness During Ganesha Mudra
- Let there be a lightness of the mind.
- Your intention is to invite gratitude for the opportunities of learning from obstacles.
- Lovingly focus on your breath.
- Where is the epicenter of your breath?
- Heart area? Upper chest?
- Observe what it will be like when the obstacle is gone.
Benefits Of Ganesha Mudra
- Increased energy, very uplifting.
- Improves digestion.
- Relieves stress and tension.
- Stimulates the heart and upper chest.
Positive Affirmation For Ganesha Mudra
I practice today to transform the suffering in myself.
Remove any obstruction the highest inner light of love.
Breathing in
I meet life with an open heart for whatever arises.
Breathing out
I free any regret, sorrow, anger, jealousy, fear. Releasing with joy!
I see my path clear, my journey moving forward with love and grace.
Precious heart, may it be beautiful for all concerned.