
7 Ways for Vegetarians to Get More Vitamin B-12

Vegetarians run a higher risk of lacking vitamin B-12. Why? This vitamin only exists in animal products — your body cannot manufacture B-12 on its own. Therefore, you need to consume it via your diet! Have no fear — even if you practice a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, you have alternative means of getting this vital nutrient.

Huitlacoche: A Rich Source Of Nutrients Since Aztec Times

Mexican food is popular all over the world, but unfortunately, some people think it consists solely of tacos. While it’s true that tacos are popular in the country and are available almost everywhere, Mexican food consists of various dishes and ingredients that are beneficial to our health.

Sidewalk Pie: A Vegan, Gluten-Free, Raw Key Lime Pie Delight!

Sidewalk pie.

Mmmm, good ol’ Sidewalk Pie.

Wait, what? Sidewalk Pie?

What the heck is Sidewalk Pie, and, why is it called Sidewalk Pie, you ask?

It’s actually a Raw Key Lime Pie. And—this pie is so good, you could eat it off the sidewalk.

In fact, I and my friends actually did eat this pie off the sidewalk. This is not an exaggeration, figure of speech, or hyperbole. That’s just how dang good this pie is.


5 Ways To Eat More Veggies

Remember your ma yelling in your ear to eat your veggies? Well, she was right. In all cuisines and all parts of the world, vegetables are part of a healthy diet for they offer so much, for such little calories.

8 Tips For Beginner Cooks

Before I went vegan and gluten-free, I was vegetarian for practically my entire life. So, naturally, I began cooking at a very young age. Honestly, I’ve been cooking for as long as I can remember. It’s gratifying to watch how various flavorful combinations turn into delicious plates of food right before your eyes.

10 Ingredients Vegans Should Avoid

If you’re following a strictly plant-based diet, you’re probably aware of how difficult it can be to decipher whether or not a packaged food is vegan. Many people assume that products that don’t contain meat, butter, cheese, or eggs are surely vegan; however, unfortunately, it is much more complicated than that.