healthy lifestyle

Setting Intentions: How To Do It

Starting your yoga practice or sitting down on a cushion to meditate, we have all heard the phrase set your own intention. Yet, if you are like me when I started my journey into wellness, you don't quite grasp the full scope of what an intention is outside of it being a positive affirmation at most. I am here to debunk intention setting and help guide you on your own everyday practice of setting an intention as you wake up in the morning, altering our perception and setting our best selves forward from the start.

5 Ways To Truly Live Agelessly

Last month, an article published by NPR suggested that in many cases, seniors can have hearts that look 30 years younger than their age. In fact, the study on which this was based demonstrated that people who had been exercising throughout their lives had muscles that matched those of 25-year-olds; participants in the study were 75.

Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

Sit Less, Move More, Be Healthier: Here’s How

The phrase "sitting pretty" is actually an oxymoron because you will soon discover that there is nothing pretty about sitting! Most of it is scary—so for those of us who do need to sit for work, we also must get up. Why? To be healthy enough to do that job in the first place...

5 Yoga Poses For Every Woman Over 50

In recent years, more and more people have been talking about yoga as a viable form of both exercise and meditation. There are countless benefits you can enjoy from this style of fitness, and all of them are especially positive for women over 50.

Alone On Christmas? Make It A Merry One

So with the holidays looming around the corner, most, if not all of us have already made our plans to be with family or friends. In case you didn’t, or can’t or, well, won’t—here’s how you can have a Merry Christmas all by your lonesome self…


Yerba Mate For Health & Socializing

Tea has been used by many cultures as a medicine, and is considered a pastime in countries all over the world. Yerba mate has a different story. It comes from the Guaraní peoples in Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil, where it is known as chimarrao.

The Fuss About Couscous (With Sweet & Savory Recipes)

It sounds exotically hilarious and frankly, it’s impossible to say without a bit of a snigger. But laugh as you may, couscous is a powerhouse of nutrients that can definitely add to your health quotient... 


Superfood 101: Cashews!

This slightly sweet, buttery nut is one of my favorites. I love popping a bunch of raw cashews in the oven and then lightly toasting them for an afternoon snack. I also like to sprinkle them on cereal or anything that needs a crunch.