
Holistic Ways To Heal Dry Hands

It's no secret that winter dries out the skin. That's because skin is your first line of defense from the elements, so it takes a lot of damage. Unfortunately, our hands are usually the ones that take the most damage, so they often become dry and cracked. In some cases, they can even bleed, or worsen into eczema.

3 Herbs To Keep Your Hands & Feet Warm In Winter: Cinnamon, Prickly Ash & Ginger

For those of us with cold winters, cold fingers and toes are often a problem when we’re outside playing or working.  For lots of us, this can be downright painful, aside from the fact that our hands don’t seem to want to work properly when cold.

It doesn’t even have to be winter to notice poor circulation to the extremities. Some folks seem to always have cold hands and feet.  I’ve even had elderly clients whose frigid feet kept them up at night.

Mudras For Mind // Body // Spirit: Uttarabodhi Mudra

Integrate mudras into your practice and life.


Uttarabodhi Mudra: Enlightenment

“Uttara” means “upward” and “bodhi” means “enlightenment” or “awakening.” This mudra allows you to explore a conscious spiritual practice and to renew your own commitment to the practice of yoga. Uttarabodhi Mudra symbolizes the light of the soul: opening one’s self to the divine power within.


Mudras for Mind // Body // Spirit: Ganesha Mudra

Integrate mudra into your practice and life.


Ganesha Mudra: Remove Obstacles

The inspiration for this mudra is from the elephant-headed Hindu deity Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It activates the heart chakra. Use this mudra to release obstacles from a place of joy and light.


Mudras for Mind // Body // Spirit: JalaShaya Mudra

Integrate sacred hand gestures into your practice and life.


JalaShaya Mudra: Lake Of Serenity

This cooling, calming mudra connects us with the pure and refreshing qualities of water. Jala means water and shaya means serenity, calm, nighttime. The quiet waters of inner peace.


#WellnessWednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 153

Salamba Sarvangasana – Supported Shoulder Stand

Of the myriad yoga asana, perhaps none is more controversial than supported shoulder
stand. The risks involved with a traditional shoulder stand are considerable. However, the
benefits of this posture are enormous. So, the last decade has seen a shoulder stand
reformation of sorts. Now what is traditionally done on the solid floor is done on a stack of
folded blankets, three high.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 152

The word mudra translates as attitude or gesture. The word chin comes from the word chitta, which means consciousness. So, Chin Mudra is the gesture of consciousness. In Chin Mudra the index finger represents our thinking brain or ego. It is bows inwards to meet the thumb, which represents the part of our selves that is connected to higher consciousness. Chin mudra is a gesture that we are surrendering our ego in order to connect to universal consciousness, sometimes called intuition.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 151

Lotus Mudra – Padme Mudra


Mudras are the hand gestures of Yoga. They can be practiced during meditation, asana, or pranayama to help focus the mind and open the energy centers. The lotus mudra gently encourages opening in the heart chakra.

Step-By-Step Natural Manicure

Manicures are always fun but going to a nail salon can expose you to a lot of toxins. Nail salons are not known for their air quality: Every time you step foot into one, you could be inhaling a number of chemicals suspected of causing cancer and birth defects. Not exactly comforting news in a place that's supposed to promote relaxation. Instead of risking your health, why not try giving yourself a natural manicure?