
Setting Intentions: How To Do It

Starting your yoga practice or sitting down on a cushion to meditate, we have all heard the phrase set your own intention. Yet, if you are like me when I started my journey into wellness, you don't quite grasp the full scope of what an intention is outside of it being a positive affirmation at most. I am here to debunk intention setting and help guide you on your own everyday practice of setting an intention as you wake up in the morning, altering our perception and setting our best selves forward from the start.

Perk up your Productivity with Parkinson’s Law

“Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”

How many minutes to do you have to read this right now? Are you leisurely strolling through some of your favorite webpages? …At home or at work? Should you be doing work instead?

Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care

Selflessness is definitely a valuable trait to possess, but the whole “too much of a good thing” concept applies here. To be the best person that you can possibly be, you absolutely must remember to take the time to take care of yourself, too. Focusing on yourself is not selfish; it’s beneficial to your health. Take it from me, a dedicated people-pleaser who is slowly, but surely, learning to balance helping others and myself. This year, don’t forget to make yourself a priority, in your own life, by trying out these five simple self-care suggestions.

How To Achieve Total Body Balance

Everything we consume has an effect on our body, whether it be mentally, physically or emotionally. There has been research done that proves stress is one of the causes of cancer and other illnesses.  What we eat, how we eat and even when we eat has an impact on our whole being. 

Total Body Consumption

How To Find Balance In Every Relationship

All of those relationship clichés (that ring true) like compromise, active listening, and appreciation all lead to the same end goal. However, striving towards balance is a lot easier said than done. This should be the ultimate destination in any relationship whether with a boyfriend, wife, mother, son, colleague, or close friend. To make things even more challenging, the definition of balance is subjective and ever-evolving.