healthy eating

7 Ways for Vegetarians to Get More Vitamin B-12

Vegetarians run a higher risk of lacking vitamin B-12. Why? This vitamin only exists in animal products — your body cannot manufacture B-12 on its own. Therefore, you need to consume it via your diet! Have no fear — even if you practice a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, you have alternative means of getting this vital nutrient.

Fight Food Waste With Better Food Storage

Ever store food only to have it spoil a few days later? There might be a reason for that: Improper storage can definitely lead to faster food spoilage. This really sucks considering it's a waste of money. Not to mention food waste is very bad for the environment. If you'd like to prevent food from rotting or molding before you can get your hands on it, here are some important storage tips to remember. 


10 Travel Tips For Eating Healthy On-The-Go


Your taxi is late and the flight is about ready to depart; you’re hungry but the only thing on the way to the gate is a fast food frenzy of unhealthy options. Stressed and out of options, you board the plane.

Eat Fresh In February: Asparagus, Beet, Cauliflower & Leek Recipes

There are lots of good reasons to eat seasonally: when fruits and vegetables are fresh, their nutrition is at its peak, and it’s more environmentally sustainable, for starters.  Ayurveda encourages eating seasonally too, and if you’re growing your own food, then it just makes sense to eat seasonally.  But it can be difficult to eat the fruits and vegetables that are in season if they’re new to you, or if yo

10 Essential Kitchen Tools For Healthy Cooking

If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, cooking is a must. Cooking allows you to choose exactly which ingredients, and which energies, go into your food. It’s is an act of self-care that can be rewarding and even sacred, but #reallife—in the form of competing obligations and pressed time—can complicate how we experience it. By planning ahead and getting organized with the right tools, you’ll be able to fully enjoy the time you spend in your kitchen, while also providing yourself with the necessary energy to live your best life. And isn’t that what we’re all here for?

Skip The Diet: Take A Mindful Approach To Nutrition In 7 Steps

While it is trendy to jump on the Keto, Paleo, or Atkins Diet, is it really worth it? Do you find restricting your diet or limiting what you can and cannot eat difficult to maintain over long periods of time?

Eat Fresh In April: Bok Choy, Avocados, Arugula & Turnips

There are lots of good reasons to eat seasonally: when fruits and vegetables are fresh, their nutrition is at its peak, and it’s more environmentally sustainable, for starters.  Ayurveda encourages eating seasonally too, and if you’re growing your own food, then it just makes sense to eat seasonally.  But it can be difficult to eat the fruits and vegetables that are in season if they’re new to you, or if yo

The 5 Healthiest Spring Vegetables

When we’re growing up, we always hear that we should eat our vegetables. Our parents drilled this habit into us, and now that we’re grown up, the choice is ours—do we still eat them? If so, why do we eat them, and which ones do we focus on?

How To Eat Healthy At Restaurants

When you eat a well-rounded diet of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, and veggies, you probably notice the benefits. You feel more energized. You build longer and leaner muscles. Your hair and nails may even get stronger and shinier. Sticking to a healthy eating plan when you go out to a restaurant, however, can be tricky.

Eat Fresh In March: Artichoke, Kale, Lemon & Parsnip Recipes

There are lots of good reasons to eat seasonally: when fruits and vegetables are fresh, their nutrition is at its peak, and it’s more environmentally sustainable, for starters.  Ayurveda encourages eating seasonally too, and if you’re growing your own food, then it just makes sense to eat seasonally.  But it can be difficult to eat the fruits and vegetables that are in season if they’re new to you, or if yo