
A Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Better Wellness

Two years ago, after several years trying various birth control options and failing to find one that felt right for me, I came off the pill for good. Before leaving hormonal contraceptives behind, I did my research, arming myself with books, courses, and information that would help me make informed decisions about how to maintain my fertility while preventing pregnancy. Beyond finding a method that works for me and my life, I finally started to understand what a healthy cycle was supposed to look like and why it mattered. 


5 Tips To Stay Active In Winter

Staying fit in the winter can be a challenge. Morning frost and frigid temperatures make lounging inside tempting. The urge to gorge on food while watching movie marathons sets in.

Don't let the cold weather have your health hibernating for winter. Get up. Get moving. And follow these tips for how to keep active during winter.


Create Your Own All-Natural Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolyte beverages can help beat summer heat by replenishing essential minerals and fluids when your body needs significant rehydration. Electrolytes are minerals imperative for healthy muscle action and proper nerve function.

8 Natural Pain Management Methods For Arthritis

Arthritis can strike at any age—the condition doesn't reserve itself to the elderly. And the pain this condition causes can be considerable. Medications can help alleviate the suffering, but they tend to come with a host of unpleasant side effects, rendering the remedy worse than the cure.

5 Ways To Truly Live Agelessly

Last month, an article published by NPR suggested that in many cases, seniors can have hearts that look 30 years younger than their age. In fact, the study on which this was based demonstrated that people who had been exercising throughout their lives had muscles that matched those of 25-year-olds; participants in the study were 75.

What Is Dry Needling & Is It Right For You?

Acupuncture has become a popular holistic treatment to alleviate pain for several conditions, but dry needling isn’t as well known. While both acupuncture and dry needling use small, stainless steel needles to trigger points in the body, dry needling is commonly used as a way to trigger muscles. 


Yoga For Kids: Let's Go To The Garden

Conjure up your own secret garden with these yoga poses for kids.


Grow A Sunflower

  1. Begin in Child's Pose.
  2. Sit back on your heels and bring your head down.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine that you are a teeny tiny sunflower seed. Is it dark? Be very quiet...until you…
  4. Sprout! Feel the warm sun soak your head as you…
  5. Roll your head gently side to side.
  6. Remember you are not in a hurry.
  7. Notice how the sun feels on your skin.


Natural Support For PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common reasons for fertility issues in the West.  The name reflects that fact that in some of the cases, one or both of the ovaries accumulate multiple cysts…in some cases so much so that the ovary looks like swiss cheese on an ultrasound.

Be Kind To Your Body

The human body is truly a wonderland. Our bones are one of the strongest substances known to man, along with granite and concrete. Our heart pumps one million gallons of blood in our lifetime and our largest artery is capable of building enough pressure during each heartbeat to shoot blood 30 feet into the air.

Tips & Tricks For Running With Your Dog

Running with your dog is one of the most rewarding ways to spend time together. Many runners dream of having a canine companion capable of running five, ten, or even 20 miles—a dog lean and strong, but also fast and nimble. Luckily, many dogs can make running partners.