
Ayurveda & Motherhood: How To Find Balance Postpartum

As a first-time mother, no one can prepare you for the total disruption your life will endure after giving birth to your child. From the ways childbirth transform your physical body and to how it revolutionizes the mind (in both good and not-so-good ways) we as mothers change in the most profound ways.

The Conflict Between Motherhood & Career

As the mother of an almost two-year old, I have had the blessing and yes, the curse of staying at home with my son. You may think it outrageous to say it is a curse, but give me a moment to explain. As a mother, I adore the time I get to spend with my son day in and day out. We go to the library, grocery shopping, and to the park, and engage in all sort of learning development activities to fill our days. But at the end of that very same day, I am still a woman with professional and personal aspirations.

Becoming A Mother: Embracing Change

At the end of this past summer I became a first-time mom to a beautiful baby boy who decided to make a statement by walking out into this amazing world feet first at the only hospital in Barcelona, Spain, trained at natural breech deliveries. After spending five days in the hospital addressing minor complications due to the challenging delivery, we were discharged.