
How To Create An Eco-Friendly Home

Your home is a reflection of who you are. If you value the earth, it should definitely show in your home. Thankfully, there are several ways to create an eco-friendly home that treads gently on this planet. Here are a few tips and tricks to keeping your home as sustainable as possible.


Eco-Friendly Beach Trip Tips For Summer Fun

Awareness is growing of humans’ impact on oceans, marine life, and the entire global food chain and water cycle. We can all make a few choices to develop eco-friendly beach habits while enjoying the shore this summer.


Calm Your Nerves With 20 Minutes Outside

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul,” naturalist and author John Muir said. The benefits of spending time in the great outdoors are widely known by nature lovers and are also documented in many studies, often through participants’ subjective reports of feeling calmer and happier.

De-Cluttering The Garden

Like everything else in life, gardens and green spaces need to be de-cluttered to stay beautiful and not overload the soil. Here are a few pointers...


3 Reasons To Ditch Plastic For Good

It's almost impossible to completely avoid plastic nowadays. It's everywhere—in our beds, in our clothes, and even in our food. But we can do our best to avoid it as much as physically possible. You might be wondering why it matters? Here are three reasons you should kiss plastic goodbye.


Green Pet Burial: Honor Your Pet While Being Environmentally Responsible

There are close to 90 million dogs in the United States and an even higher number of cats. While these pets—for many of us, companions, best friends, and loyal members of our family—often go on to have full lives, their passing is unfortunately inevitable. Burying our loved animals in the backyard is often the best choice, but is not always practical or possible.

Be Kind To Mother Earth With These Sustainable Living Tips

According to NASA, the current warming of the earth is roughly 10 times faster than the ice-age-recovery warming. Impacts of climate change can be felt all around the globe, from the rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions to shrinking ice sheets and decreased snow cover. 

Non-Toxic Shower Curtains: 4 PVC-Free Options

The other day while out shopping with my mom, I spotted a warning on a shower curtain case. It basically said the materials the shower curtain was made from were toxic and linked to cancer and hormone disrupters. I had to do a double take. Did they really just admit to such a thing and then still deem it worthy to put on store shelves? I was totally blown away. It leads me to ask—are shower curtains toxic? The short answer is yes, but here's why and what you need to know. 

5 Sustainable Resolutions For A Zero-Waste 2019

Often, January is filled with resolutions you don't intend to keep. But what if I told you there were resolutions you could make now that would forever change the planet? Well, if nothing else this new year, I challenge you to keep these five sustainable resolutions. Let this be the year you dedicate to helping the earth in ways that make a big impact.