
5 Ideas For A Healthy & Organic Holiday Party Food Spread

Who said the holidays have to become a time for eating unhealthy food and waking up with hangovers? You want to enjoy this festive season with family and friends — but since when did that entail practicing unhealthy habits? 

Sustainable Alternatives To Wrapping Paper: Eco-Friendly Gift Wrap Ideas

You might be well on your way to celebrating the holidays in an eco-friendly way, but how much thought have you given to how you’ll wrap the gifts you give?  Wrapping paper is one of the most wasteful aspects of the holidays…wrapping paper is one use and comes from our precious trees.  Unfortunately, the fibers in the paper and the in

8 Tips For A Healthy & Balanced Holiday Season

Holidays and their accompanying celebrations are a wonderful thing.  They usually involve spending lots of time with family and friends and eating lots of delicious food; this holds true across almost all cultures.  Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Passover, or Diwali, chances are there are several traditional dishes included in the festivities.

13 Healthy Ways To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day


March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day, and while it’s true you can dye all your food and beverages green and call it a day, we’ve got some other ideas for how to celebrate the Irish-turned-American holiday.  Some of them involve food of course, but others focus on enjoying the fun festivities of the day!


Alone On Christmas? Make It A Merry One

So with the holidays looming around the corner, most, if not all of us have already made our plans to be with family or friends. In case you didn’t, or can’t or, well, won’t—here’s how you can have a Merry Christmas all by your lonesome self…


7 Ways to Enjoy an Entertaining Outing for Free

The holiday season is upon us, which means guests will be arriving any minute now. Spending quality time with our loved ones is great and all, but being an exceptional host – one who provides tons of entertainment – sure can put an overwhelming dent in the old wallet. Plus, if you’re planning on doing any gift giving, the expenses can really add up fast.

3 Ways to Make Self-Care a Priority This Holiday Season

As the winter holidays quickly approach, many people may experience a mixture of excitement, anxiety, anticipation, and sadness, along with many other emotional states that come and go. Holiday rituals and the changing of the seasons can bring both celebration and introspection. We may enjoy spending time with loved ones, decorating, spiritual practices, or shopping, and we may also be grieving losses, evaluating the year behind us, and planning for changes to come. Hopefully, as we all go through our own unique holiday experiences, we can make self-care a priority.