Do you find yourself lacking the motivation to pursue your passions even though you know they are what truly make you feel alive? Maybe you’re restless in your job and looking for a career change but aren’t sure where to start. Whatever your situation may be, a few of these self-hypnosis techniques can be help you reach those goals with grace and ease.
A common misconception is that meditation and self-hypnosis are terms that could be used interchangeably while actually there is a significant difference that makes them two completely different animals.
The difference between self-hypnosis and mediation is the purpose. Meditation is often used to clear the mind and assist in coming back to your center while self-hypnosis is a beneficial practice that is used in attempt to reach a goal. That goal can be anything from developing more confidence to landing your dream job. Before I started my own practice of self-hypnosis, I was coming home from my 9-to-5 with the intention of working on my own business, but every time I got home, I fell into the same trap (i.e., the recliner or couch). I was convinced I was using up all my energy on another company and didn’t have any left to spare for my own dreams.
I started going to bed a little early and began practicing a few of these self-hypnosis techniques and the following day I woke up with more energy that not only helped me work more productively at my hourly job, but allowed me to drive home excited and energized to get to work on my own projects. Why? Because I imagined the finished product of all my hard work and exactly how amazing it felt to be there.
These self-hypnosis techniques can benefit anyone looking to manifest positive changes into their life with only a few short practices.
The Blueprint:
- Get into a hypnotic state.
- Imagine accomplishing and reaching your goals.
- Believe that you already have them.
Self-Hypnosis Techniques: Entering The Trance
- The Countdown: When trying to induce a hypnotic state, beginning with a countdown is the most simplistic approach. Many suggest counting down from 100 to induce a relaxed state. Additionally, you may find it beneficial to open your eyes on even numbers and close them on odd numbers. This way when you reach ‘1’ your eyes will be closed and you can begin focusing on your goal you wish to accomplish within your practice.
- Self-Induced Sensory Deprivation: You don’t actually need a giant, soundproof water tank to reach a self-hypnotic state. Sitting or lying in a comfortable position, imagine the room is filling up with water around your feet. Imagine the sensations around your toes, working upward to your ankles, your abdomen, and so on-until you are completely submerged. Notice your body beginning to feel light and lifted. Stay here a few moments before beginning your imagery or mantras.
- Presently Focused: This may not sound like a self-hypnosis technique, but you may find it more challenging than you expected. First, clear your mind and ensure there are no unnatural noise disturbances (e.g., a bird chirping is fine, but a phone call is not). Focus on every sensation you possibly can. What does the air smell like? How many noises can you pinpoint? If you can hear wind, try to match your breathing to it. Give attention to every little sensation that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. When you are ready, carry one of these sensations with you into your new world.
Self-Hypnosis: Use Your Imagination
- When you’ve entered a relaxed state you can begin to imagine yourself as the person you want to be: healed, confident, energized, promoted, physically fit, or whatever you may be wishing for. Be as detailed in your imagery as you can.
- Narrating mentally is a popular method in self-hypnosis. Using terms like “I am getting closer to my goals,” or “I am confident,” are simple ways for beginners to practice. The more these mantras are repeated the easier you will be able see them as realities in your waking life. Keep the terms short, simple, and above all else, positive.
- You may find it even more beneficial to imagine yourself the way you would look and act as if you had already accomplished your goals. Imagine what it would feel like getting the promotion you’ve been dreaming of. Are people congratulating you? What does the setting look like?
- If you prefer more symbolic approach, you may end up taking yourself on a journey up a mountain where your goal is waiting for you. The only question is: will you make it a steep climb or an easy stroll?
The beauty of self-hypnosis is that once you are in a relaxed state you can use your imagination to develop countless ways in which you will reach your goal. When you return to your fully conscious state, remember the sensations and emotions you felt and know that your accomplishments will manifest only after you confirm and state that you already have achieved them.
“If you can imagine it you can achieve it. If you can dream it you can become it.”
-William Arthur Ward