
Essential Oil Essentials: 5 Supportive Oils For Turning Inwards

Winter is the time for introspection. It’s when we need to send some gentle energy to the seeds we’ve planted so that they’ll germinate in the new year. By seeds, I mean goals, aspirations, intentions, and such.  Here are five supportive scents to help put you in touch with yourself and your path…


How To Prepare Your Body For Autumn

As the seasons shift, you may notice yourself being affected by it in many different ways. Perhaps you'll develop seasonal allergies, feel more sluggish, or have sinus problems. Whatever the case, it's important we take the time to prepare our bodies for the shift to fall to ensure a healthy transition. Here's how to do exactly that. 


Meatless Monday: Parsnip Apple Soup For Your Fall Wellness Ritual

If you’re in the northern hemisphere, chances are it’s starting to feel a lot like fall: cooler, crisp, a little blustery; if you’re eating intuitively you’re probably beginning to crave more warm, comforting foods. Sweet, hearty root vegetables fit the bill perfectly this time of year.

Be Kind To Your Body

The human body is truly a wonderland. Our bones are one of the strongest substances known to man, along with granite and concrete. Our heart pumps one million gallons of blood in our lifetime and our largest artery is capable of building enough pressure during each heartbeat to shoot blood 30 feet into the air.

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Aromatherapy & Self-Massage With Balancing & Soothing Essential Oils

Menopause can trigger uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. The following recipes contain essential oils to provide some relief in balancing emotional stress, surges of heat, and sleep deprivation.

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Meditation & Breathwork For Comfort & Peace

As women, we experience hormonal fluctuations throughout our lives. Menopause is part of the natural aging process and involves physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. The same hormones that affect us during menstruation are the same hormones we experience in menopause, but they can affect us in a number of different ways. Mood changes can leave us feeling out of control, irritable, and fatigued. Luckily, you are empowered to help yourself!

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Self-Nurturing Yoga Poses

Many women view menopause as a time of loss, physical discomfort and negative emotions.  However, many common discomforts of menopause can be alleviated using yoga, breathwork, and meditation.

The Ayurveda Guide To Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time for many—but especially so for the mother. According to Ayurveda, pregnancy is a time to balance the vata dosha, the energy of air and space. The vata energy, which resides in the nervous system, is responsible for proper fetal development.

The Best Yoga Poses For A Dose Of Self-Love

I find that my relationship with myself is greatly affected by my body awareness. Practices like yoga, which require listening to my body and bring me into my body in the moment, help me; these activities are now important paths that I travel repeatedly on the way back to myself.

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Smell

We’ve got one more sense to work with when balancing dosha disharmonies in the Mind. Each of our senses are potent in their own right but, scientifically speaking, we’ve saved the most powerful for last.