Wellness Wednesday

Hridaya Mudra - Heart Gesture

Mudras are hand gestures that direct the body's flow of energy. When used wisely during pranayama, asana, and meditation, they bolster the impact the practice can have on the energy body. Hridaya mudra redirects energy that might usually dissipate from the hands, back towards the heart space, nourishing and opening the anahatta, or heart, chakra. It is a powerful tool to use when faced with grief or great stress. 


#WellnessWednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 170

Utkatasana - Powerful or Fierce Pose (or Chair Pose)


Tapas is the yogic principal of hard work and dedication. Tapas is the internal fire that fuels a yogi and keeps them on the path. An apt modern translation of the word tapas would be gumption…initiative, drive, shrewdness. For yogis this means sticking to the practices when life gets tough.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 168

Ardha Chandrasana- Half Moon Pose

Ardha Chandrasana is commonly called Half Moon Pose, but the word chandra has a double meaning. Chandra translates literally as moon, but the word by definition evokes the shinning luminous quality of the moon. Just as the moon’s luminosity comes from reflecting the light of the sun, the Yogi’s luminosity comes from the connection to the unifying energy of the universe. According to yoga philosophy, if any being goes deep enough inside themselves they will find a spark of love.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 163

Simhasana - Lion Pose

Many Yoga poses take their names from animals because they were inspired by the shape or personality of the animal that lends their name to the pose. By practicing these shapes we can tune in with the innate intelligence of the animal. Simhasana, lion pose, embodies the pride, bravery, and outspoken nature of this apex predator. By taking this shape ourselves we can begin to foster those qualities within our lives.