
How To Create An Eco-Friendly Home

Your home is a reflection of who you are. If you value the earth, it should definitely show in your home. Thankfully, there are several ways to create an eco-friendly home that treads gently on this planet. Here are a few tips and tricks to keeping your home as sustainable as possible.


3 Reasons To Ditch Plastic For Good

It's almost impossible to completely avoid plastic nowadays. It's everywhere—in our beds, in our clothes, and even in our food. But we can do our best to avoid it as much as physically possible. You might be wondering why it matters? Here are three reasons you should kiss plastic goodbye.


Be Kind To Mother Earth With These Sustainable Living Tips

According to NASA, the current warming of the earth is roughly 10 times faster than the ice-age-recovery warming. Impacts of climate change can be felt all around the globe, from the rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions to shrinking ice sheets and decreased snow cover. 

How To Reduce Your Water Footprint & Waste Less Water

As you may or may not know, fresh water is not an infinite, renewable resource. There's only so much of it and we aren't making any more. That's why it's so important not to waste water. This life-giving resource needs to be conserved and valued. The good news is there are plenty of ways to reduce water consumption—one of the biggest ways being your diet. Here are five ways to reduce your water footprint ASAP. 

Why I Live A Zero-Waste Life (& How You Can Too!)

Imagine a world where weekly garbage pickup didn't happen. Would you still make as much trash every day, knowing it would eventually consume your entire sidewalk, possibly even your home? We often forget how privileged we are to have garbage pickup services—not everyone is so lucky. We give very little thought to what happens to our garbage when it's sent away. The truth is, it doesn't go away. It goes to landfills, likely located in poor communities, where it emits toxic gasses bad for people's health and the earth.

Is Glitter Bad For The Environment?

Glitter is made from microplastics which contribute to pollution of waterways. Unfortunately, it's used in everything from art projects to cosmetics. Should we consider banning glitter in order to reduce the pollution we create? 

Microplastics: The Monster In Our Seas

We’ve heard the term bandied about in ecological circles—but what are microplastics and how can we avoid polluting our planet with them?

With the Internet flooded with images of seahorses hanging on to pieces of straw, and penguins living on floating plastic islands, and whole swathes of plastic mini-seas floating in the high seas, it’s high time we educated ourselves about microplastics. What harm can they do—to our seas and ultimately our blue planet?

7 DIY Decorations For Thanksgiving

When Thanksgiving rolls around, how do you like to decorate? Some people love to reuse the same decorations every year, but others like to buy completely new ones. Either way, most people don't really think in terms of sustainability when this holiday rolls around.

Is Makeup Bad For The Environment?

You just bought a new lipstick and you're so excited to use it. It's part of a huge, mainstream beauty company you totally trust, too. After weeks of using the lipstick down to the very last bit, there's nothing left. What do you do with the lipstick container? Dump it in the trash of course. 

Why Conflict Palm Oil Should Be Banned: How You Can Help

Have you looked at the ingredients in an Oreo lately? Sure, it's loaded with unhealthy sugars and fats, but your eyes probably skimmed over one important ingredient: Palm oil. Oreos use palm oil, along with many other snack brands most kids (and adults) love to eat. Why is this a big deal? I'm glad you asked.