Conjure up your own secret garden with these yoga poses for kids.
Grow A Sunflower
- Begin in Child's Pose.
- Sit back on your heels and bring your head down.
- Close your eyes and imagine that you are a teeny tiny sunflower seed. Is it dark? Be very quiet...until you…
- Sprout! Feel the warm sun soak your head as you…
- Roll your head gently side to side.
- Remember you are not in a hurry.
- Notice how the sun feels on your skin.
A Stem Is Growing
- Slowly come to Seated.
- Stretch and reach your arms until you have woken up.
- From Kneeling position keep reaching up towards the sky.
- Squatting…Come on the balls of your feet.
- With fingers spread wide REACH for the Sun.
- Standing…Reaching with the hands.
- Circle the hands from the left to the right side as you become a Sunflower.
- Feel happy following the sun.
Here Comes A Frog
- Squat with your feet wide.
- Place your right arm in front of your right shin.
- Twist and reach your left arm up.
- Bring your knees together and put both hands to the floor.
- Hop up and down.
- Repeat the Twist on the other side.
Bizzy Bee Breath
- Focus on your breath to create a Buzzing sound.
- Circle your shoulders forwards then backwards.
- Prepare to fly…Arms out to sides…
- Beat your wings.
- Pause and sit very still.
- Now how do you feel: Are you buzzing with energy?
Little Rose Pose
- Sit down and bend your knees.
- Bring the soles of your feet together.
- Slide one arm at a time under the back of each of your knees.
- Float your legs up to create a diamond shape in the air.
- Lean back and balance…See if you can hold this seated balance pose for 10 seconds.
- Are good things growing in you?
Ugh Oh! Snake Pose
- Lay on your tummy.
- Place your forearms down.
- TAP your toes and HISS like a snake.
- Feel the energy!
Caw Caw Crow Pose
- Strong and focused.
- Squat with your knees open.
- Slide your upper arms under your knees.
- FOCUS: Always look forward so you don’t face plant.
- As you press into your hands, lift your hips.
- Hug your knees.
- Lift one foot at a time to explore your balance then lift both your feet up.
Time To Rest: A Cloud Goes By
- Lie on your back. Take a deep breath in.
- Calmly and softly breathe out.
- Relax and close your eyes.
- Big clouds and little clouds are drifting by...Up high in a beautiful sky.
- A cloud goes by and invites you for a ride.
- Slow down your breathing and sigh…
- Imagine you are floating, by and by on a soft and fluffy cloud. Just try.
- As you breathe feel happier, and as light as a cloud.
- Quietly drifting back, down and down.
- Notice how your body and your breathing relax.
- Take a deep breath and stretch.
- You are a cloud of peace and happiness.