
Beginning Birding With Kids

One way to get children engaged in the garden is to share with them your love of birding.  Birds are both helpful to a garden and also a sign of a healthy garden, so encouraging them to visit your yard is a great idea.  An even better idea?  Getting kids excited about the feathered visitors and the role they play in the larger ecosyst

Bird-Themed Crafts For Kids

Getting kids excited about nature is always a good thing—but sometimes it can be challenging to pull them away from their screens and the cozy indoors.  One way to engage children in the great outdoors is to spend some time doing nature-based crafts.  If you’re trying to get your kids inter

Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

Spend Quality Time With Kids (Not Quantity)

You may not have too much time at hand. To children though, quality matters more than quantity; so make your time with them as fun, imaginative, and creative as possible—for their sake and yours.

7 Healthy Snack Ideas For Kids (& Adults)

Kids may be out of school for the summer, but that doesn’t mean that they need to live off of a diet of microwaved pizza, fruit roll-ups, and Slurpees. It’s likely easier than you think to prepare ready-to-go snacks between summer camps and beach days, and even simpler to ensure that they’re healthful, providing your children with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are especially needed during childhood.

4 Fun Activities For Rainy Summer Days

The Summer Solstice has come and gone, and we are well into the dog days of summer. Perhaps some summertime monsoons have started where you live, or perhaps you are having dry desert days. In any case, there is still plenty of time left before many children return to school and it is always good to have some new ideas up your sleeve to have fun with your kiddos—even if the rain comes your way and changes your outdoor fun plans.

Get Kids To Love Nature Using Technology

The human race is breaking up with nature and earth—and while Mother Nature may be unhappy about it, it is us who will pay the price in the end. We mindlessly buy things that pollute our home, our planet. Air, water, earth, sound, sight—there’s nothing that we don’t corrupt for our own benefit. So it’s all the more important for our kids, the future generation, to love and respect nature all the more.

Herbal Remedies For Children

Knowing that there are kid-friendly herbs that you can give your little ones in a time of need can be incredibly comforting. Too many over-the-counter medications have negative side effects and fillers that are difficult to pronounce. Mother Earth’s medicine is the first medicine there ever was and in my opinion, the best medicine available.

4 Life Lessons Camping Teaches Kids

I never thought I would say this, but when I was a kid, summers were spent playing outdoors. There were no smartphones, iPads, laptops, or any other fancy technology to distract us. And vacations? Well, we spent those camping.