
Beginning Birding With Kids

One way to get children engaged in the garden is to share with them your love of birding.  Birds are both helpful to a garden and also a sign of a healthy garden, so encouraging them to visit your yard is a great idea.  An even better idea?  Getting kids excited about the feathered visitors and the role they play in the larger ecosyst

5 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries

Running is one of the most popular ways to exercise, thanks to its convenience—run anywhere, from city streets to country roads to high alpine trails. More than 40 million people in the United States run regularly, with 10 million of those running at least twice a week. Unfortunately, many of these people have experienced or continue to experience injuries, whether plantar fasciitis, illiotibial band syndrome, or stress fractures. 


The Glowing Ginkgo Tree: A Perfect Fall Choice

My neighbors have two beautiful ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) trees in their front yard.  Honestly, I didn’t really notice them until our first fall living here, when suddenly the trees and ground were covered in gorgeous golden leaves that seemed to glow in the autumn sunlight.  I quickly looked into these stunning trees to learn more about them.

Bird-Themed Crafts For Kids

Getting kids excited about nature is always a good thing—but sometimes it can be challenging to pull them away from their screens and the cozy indoors.  One way to engage children in the great outdoors is to spend some time doing nature-based crafts.  If you’re trying to get your kids inter

Summer Bucket List: 33 Fun Activities To Live Seasonally

Want to make the most out of this summer? Introducing your summer bucket list: I challenge you to complete all 33 of these ideas before summer ends! You have until September 23rd (the official start of fall). Hop to it! 


Make Your Yard A Hummingbird Hangout - Free Minibook!

Would you like to turn your yard or garden into a haven for hummingbirds?  Learn how to create the perfect welcoming environment for these enchanting little birds with this booklet!


  • what flowers to plant
  • how to be a reliable source of food for them
  • how to help them find your yard
  • other things that hummingbirds need!




Eco-Friendly Beach Trip Tips For Summer Fun

Awareness is growing of humans’ impact on oceans, marine life, and the entire global food chain and water cycle. We can all make a few choices to develop eco-friendly beach habits while enjoying the shore this summer.


5 Colorful & Easy-To-Grow Flowers Kids Love

Getting children into the garden at a young age can be a great way to start a lifelong appreciation for the outdoors, nourish oneself with healthy food, and develop a new skill—in this case, growing flowers. Unfortunately, not all flowers are easy to grow and many require wait times that outlast a child’s patience. 

Speak Up! Be You! The Purpose Of The 5th Chakra

We have journeyed through the lowest three chakras of the body: the chakras that give us a sense of standing on solid ground, a sense of personal identity to live our life through. These first three chakras are the foundation on which we stand. There is a rule in writing that you have to know all the rules before you are allowed to break them. The first three chakras are the rules of life.