
Yoga Inversions: The Upside To Upside Down Poses

Most of us have tried our hand at yoga at some point in life. It may have been a college fad, or a newbie job one. Or it may have been something far more health-oriented and passion-driven. So let’s talk a little about yoga asanas today and that too of a specific kind.


Yoga For Kids: Let's Go To The Garden

Conjure up your own secret garden with these yoga poses for kids.


Grow A Sunflower

  1. Begin in Child's Pose.
  2. Sit back on your heels and bring your head down.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine that you are a teeny tiny sunflower seed. Is it dark? Be very quiet...until you…
  4. Sprout! Feel the warm sun soak your head as you…
  5. Roll your head gently side to side.
  6. Remember you are not in a hurry.
  7. Notice how the sun feels on your skin.


A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Meditation & Breathwork For Comfort & Peace

As women, we experience hormonal fluctuations throughout our lives. Menopause is part of the natural aging process and involves physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. The same hormones that affect us during menstruation are the same hormones we experience in menopause, but they can affect us in a number of different ways. Mood changes can leave us feeling out of control, irritable, and fatigued. Luckily, you are empowered to help yourself!

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Self-Nurturing Yoga Poses

Many women view menopause as a time of loss, physical discomfort and negative emotions.  However, many common discomforts of menopause can be alleviated using yoga, breathwork, and meditation.

8 Yoga Poses To Improve Your Focus & Concentration

Let’s be honest: as we move through 2019 many of us can get easily distracted with notification after notification. We’re connected 24/7 to our smartphones and other tech devices that bombard us with information and reminders of the convenient pleasures of instant gratification.

Living Yoga: 6 Steps For Equanimity In Your Yoga Practice

Through life’s many challenges, inviting equanimity into the foreground of your home practice can have remarkable results.  With equanimity, true balance can be restored in all aspects of our lives.

10 Things Your Yoga Teacher Won't Tell You

On the lookout for a yoga class? Here are ten things the yoga instructor may not tell you, but you should know beforehand.


The Best Yoga Poses For A Dose Of Self-Love

I find that my relationship with myself is greatly affected by my body awareness. Practices like yoga, which require listening to my body and bring me into my body in the moment, help me; these activities are now important paths that I travel repeatedly on the way back to myself.

Yoga & The Nature Of Stillness: A Yoga Practice Inspired By Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti was a philosopher and spiritual teacher born in 1895-1986 in India; he was brought up in England. He was one of the foremost spiritual leaders in the world.  He is not aligned with any religion; his teachings are neutral. His belief was that the value and beauty of nature was inextricably connected to the beauty of spirit.

“To understand the immeasurable mind,

The mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”

-J. Krishnamurti

Sun Salutations Make The Healthiest Yoga Routine

One of my favorite exercise routines is doing Surya Namaskars (sun salutations). Each Surya Namaskar makes you stretch and use muscles you didn’t even know you possessed and more than that—it regulates your body processes at an elemental level, unlike any other exercise. I began with barely managing to do 12 a day but now do 32 in one go. And I plan to increase it as I go along. So here go my reasons for doing the Surya Namaskar, and why you should get on the sun salutation bandwagon too.