#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 92

Boat Pose/ Paripurna Navasana


Strengthens core.

Improves balance.

Can also improve stamina.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start sitting with legs straight out in front of you. Pull knees towards chest and then lift them straight into air. Arms are extended outwards at sides of legs.

Back is straight and engaged.

Neck is straight and upward, chin is pointing forward.

Arms are extended and engaged with palms facing upward.

Shoulders are back and chest is pressing forward.

Balancing on rear end.

Legs are straight upward.

Body is making a “V” shape.

Common Problems: 

Back is curved.

Arms are not engaged.

Shoulders are curved inward.


Knees can be bent like in Half Boat Pose.

Hands can be placed at side for balance.