#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 91

High Lunge Pose


Stretches legs.

Strengthens core, arms, and legs.

Improves posture.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Can be gotten into from downward facing dog or plank pose.

Knee is directly over ankle.

Hands are on either side of foot, pressing into ground for added balance.

Bent leg is not flaring outward.

Back is straight and elongated.

Straight leg is engaged and inline with the back.

Head can be looking downward or forward.

Common Problems: 

Back and shoulders are curved not allowing body to be in straight line.

Head is dropping and not in line with body.


Back leg can be bent are knee can be resting on floor.

Back foot can be placed on wall for support.

Hands can be up on blocks to allow back to be in a straight line.