
Meatless Monday: There’s Always Time For Quinoa With Pesto

Looking for a healthy, stress-free meal? Over the last several years, the dog days of summer seem to have stretched farther into September. The prolonged heat, combined with the energy of people coming back from vacation and kids going back to school, makes a stress-free meal particularly enticing now.

Meatless Monday: Endlessly Adaptable Mediterranean Salad With Grains

When it comes to food, flavor is only part of the goodness. Eating well is one of many ways we can care for ourselves, and sharing a meal increases its health benefits. When you choose simple, adaptable recipes like today’s Mediterranean salad, you can effortlessly extend your wellness circle to include others.

Meatless Monday: Quick Quinoa With Carrots & Kale

On a busy day, quinoa can be a very good friend. It’s a great companion for many vegetables, plus it’s nutritious and cooks quickly.

Meal Prep With One Ingredient: Chickpeas

When you’re trying to eat healthy, one of the smartest things you can do is meal plan.  Part of meal planning includes choosing dishes that can use the same ingredients so you don’t end up wasting food or having just a little bit of one thing left over.

These four recipes do just that: they take a basic ingredient and lay out three easy weeknight meal recipes—plus a lunch—based off that ingredient.  This means fewer items to buy at the grocery store (which means a quicker trip) and also less food wasted.

1 Ingredient, 4 Recipes: Sweet Potato

When you’re trying to eat healthy, one of the smartest things you can do is meal plan.  Part of meal planning includes choosing dishes that can use the same ingredients so you don’t end up wasting food or having just a little bit of one thing left over.

5 Natural Remedies To Calm An Anxious Pet

Imagine feeling anxious: your palms sweat, your mind races, and you feel sick to your stomach. Sometimes anxiety comes out in the form of obsessive nail biting, while other times it rears its head in avoidance. Unfortunately, dogs can also have anxiety and while their paws can’t sweat and we don’t know for sure if their minds start to race, we do know the behavior that can come out: destruction.

5 Healthy 5-Minute Side Dishes

Many a night I’ve been elbow deep in dinner prep or in line at the grocery store when I realize I’ve forgotten to plan for a side dish.  Sure, homemade veggie burgers are great—but they’re not very substantial on their own.  Maybe it’s because I’m from the Southern U.S., but I feel much more satisfied when I have a filling side dish (or two!) along with my entrée.  The problem is that I’m usually much more focused on the main attraction, and it’s not unusual for the side dish to be relegated

No-Bake Cherry Granola Bites (Vegan, Gluten-Free)

I’ve recently cut some very specific foods out of my diet, and it’s led me to look for cravings satisfiers in unexpected places.  For example, I can no longer munch at night—I’ve eliminated cane sugar, corn, and cow’s milk