Intense workouts, heavy lifting, and manual labor can all lead to sore muscles. Reaching into the kitchen cabinet or bending over to pick something off the floor can provoke the pain. The discomfort has caused the simplest task to become unbearable. Ibuprofen may be your immediate response. While it may provide temporary relief, relying on pain medications time and time again can have adverse side effects causing more issues.
Before you grab for a bottle of pills, try a natural Ayurvedic approach instead. In Ayurveda, muscle soreness is a sign that your vata is aggravated. Calm the vata in you with one of these techniques. You may find that a slight change in your lifestyle may be the ticket to rid your body of sore muscles.
Warm Bath
A soothing warm bath is key in muscle pain relief. Make the most of your bath by adding either Epsom salt, ginger, or aromatherapy oils. Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate which aids in muscle relaxation, ginger is anti-inflammatory, and aromatherapy oils provide therapeutic properties that ease the body. The warm water with a boost creates a calming environment that aids the muscles in relaxing.
Yoga can strengthen and loosen muscles beyond your average stretching. If you find yourself stiff and sore, add a yoga routine into your day. Stagnant muscles that experience exertion is the cause of soreness, so remaining motionless will do no good. Gentle yoga will take heed to tender muscles without aggravation. You will find that overtime you reduce the chance of sore muscles by practicing yoga regularly.
What you eat is the most determining factor in your body's performance. Think of your body in terms of a machine. A well-oiled machine will run at peak performance compared to a rusty one. Same thing goes for your body. A diet rich in nutrients will leave the body functioning in prime health compared to a diet of empty calories. Return your body back to normal by providing the nutrients it needs through vata-pacifying food. Warm meals, sweets, and slightly spicy food will calm vata and ease muscles. Here are more ways to eat for your dosha.
Herbal Remedies
Herbs play a significant role in Ayurveda. Rather than a cure, herbs are consumed daily as a means to keep balance in one's body. When the body gets out of whack, increasing specific herbs is part of the restoration process. Turmeric, ginger, cardamom, garlic, and guggulu can help. They contain anti-inflammatory properties that will stomp out the pain.