It is undeniable that spending time near natural bodies of water instills a feeling of calmness and ease of mind. There is something about witnessing free-flowing bodies of water shifting in their natural course that is comforting and in some way connects us to the bigger, universal picture. Water is, quite literally, part of what makes us who we are, and acknowledging the impact it has on our wellbeing allows for a greater understanding of exactly why we are so drawn to it.
Logically speaking, we need water to drink, to cook and to bathe. Established civilizations have always been built near water with the understanding that it is a necessary element in its sustainability and success. Historically, humans as a species have depicted, described and revered water in all cultural forms of visual and poetic art, representing balance, peacefulness and rebirth. There is an inherently soothing experience that takes place simply being in the presence of something so purely and divinely out of our power. We cannot control the pace at which the river or stream flows, the stones it moves across on its path, the wind that pulses the edge of the lake in and out or the tides and currents of the sea. In fact, I think it is because the power behind it is out of our hands and exists so perfectly all on its own that we cannot help but stand back and observe nature taking its course in silent awe. It is in those moments, witnessing the water dance as if to the vibrational song of the universe, that I feel most connected to the universe.
If we were able to, on a regular basis, be aware of these same magnificent forces taking place in our bodies, every single moment of every single day, perhaps the level of appreciation we show towards ourselves and our fellow conscious beings would be more significant. In studies conducted in order to observe the physiological response evoked, results expressed significantly increased feelings of calmness, joy and comfort in relation to the presence of water. Some scientists and psychologists believe, in fact, that our response is not necessarily even conscious, but that we are biologically hardwired to be instinctually interconnected to water and to nature in general. Water has the ability to inspire and rejuvenate us as well as support our physical and emotional survival. Something about the powerful, fundamental element stirs an innate sense of creativity and is the primary channel of all aspects of our livelihood as a planet and a species.
Water, as a life force, also functions as one of the most essential and vital contributions to our very existence. We, ourselves, are composed in our adult body of more than 60 percent water. We spend the first 9 months of our lives submerged in the watery realm of our mother’s womb. It is the major component of our cell composition and acts as a medium for all metabolic processes in the body: digesting food, transporting nutrients, cleansing the liver and colon of toxins, as well as insulating and regulating heat and temperature. Proper hydration is vital for the continuation of our health and to meet the basic needs of our biomechanical functioning, which is essentially made to run off of water and minerals. It is a primary aspect of our nature and of the planet which we inhabit as a species. Whether it is observed as a representation of harmony and balance or spiritual rebirth and cleansing, water is and will always be a source of innate importance and curiosity for those of us that are seekers searching for something deeper: answers that seem to lie just below the surface.