
The 7th Chakra & Your Relationship To The Universe

Welcome to the final article of the chakra series. We have reached the crown, the seat of cosmic consciousness and divine intelligence. This is the center that transcends all the individuality that your lower chakras have worked so hard to create. This is where you step into the experience that ALL IS ONE.

You Are Enough: How To Overcome Scarcity & Trust In Abundance

Scarcity. This energy packed frequency of limited potential is a dense membrane that surrounds the human energetic field and closes off your ability to tap into the ever-flowing creative energy of Source which is the treasure box of abundance.

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Smell

We’ve got one more sense to work with when balancing dosha disharmonies in the Mind. Each of our senses are potent in their own right but, scientifically speaking, we’ve saved the most powerful for last.  

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Sound

Our own five senses—the “gateways to healing,” as they are referred to in Ayurveda—are very powerful tools for promoting health and wellbeing. They allow us to use everything around us as medicine.

This week, we’ll dive into the world of Sound. (We previously looked at Sight.)

Ayurveda 101: Healing Through The Sense Of Sight

We’ve developed an incredible foundational knowledge of the building blocks of life, the mind/body characteristics of the three doshas, and the empowered choice-making that is available to us through this ancient system of health and healing. Now it’s time to explore exactly how to apply Ayurvedic principles and practices in real time.

Ayurveda teaches that we have exclusive, 24/7 access to five distinct Gateways to Healing—also known as our five senses.

Ayurveda 101: Deep Dive Into Kapha Dosha

The Ayurvedic philosophy of mind/body constitutions can be likened to a divine trinity. The limitless potential and creativity of Vata and the focused drive and charisma of Pitta are joined by the third and final Dosha to create a necessary sacred harmony.

Ayurveda 101: Deep Dive Into Pitta Dosha

Our band of elemental warriors is starting to form, as previously you learned all about Vata. A combination of Space & Air, Vata is the energy that stirs up limitless potential, big thinking, and a colorful future. Though amazing initiators, Vatas sure do need help in plucking an idea down from the cosmos and putting it into action.

Ayurveda 101: Deep Dive Into Vata Dosha

If you who have, or are, an 80s baby… you likely remember a little show called Captain Planet. In the opening theme song, the Planeteers combine their elemental powers—earth, fire, wind, water, heart—to summon our green and blue superhero. Captain Planet, an “elemental warrior” as the show description lovingly refers to him, harnesses their forces in a quest to save the world.

I love to think that this popular activist show took a cue from Ayurveda itself.

Ayurveda 101: The Building Blocks Of Life

Previously in the Ayurveda 101 series, we built the foundation for understanding the potent wisdom of Ayurveda and, more importantly, connected with the knowingness that through this ancient Science of Life, we are at the controls of our own state of wellbeing.  

As we step more fully into this power as the conscious creators—the Alchemists—of our own reality, let’s have a look around this living laboratory to discover just what resources are at our disposal to play with!