
The 7th Chakra & Your Relationship To The Universe

Welcome to the final article of the chakra series. We have reached the crown, the seat of cosmic consciousness and divine intelligence. This is the center that transcends all the individuality that your lower chakras have worked so hard to create. This is where you step into the experience that ALL IS ONE.

Reveal Truth With The 6th Chakra

Have you ever had the experience of a stranger speaking the exact right thing for you to hear precisely during the time your soul needed to hear it? Or how about the countless other times that strangers walk by and the glances or words are meaningless to you? 

This ability to bring message and meaning from a seemingly unknown source into your physical reality is the work of the third eye, the 6th chakra. It is no wonder why in Sanskrit this center is called Ajna: to perceive, to command.

Speak Up! Be You! The Purpose Of The 5th Chakra

We have journeyed through the lowest three chakras of the body: the chakras that give us a sense of standing on solid ground, a sense of personal identity to live our life through. These first three chakras are the foundation on which we stand. There is a rule in writing that you have to know all the rules before you are allowed to break them. The first three chakras are the rules of life. 

The Heart Chakra: The Balancing Point

Drum roll, please. This is the moment we have all been waiting for. This, my friends, is the 4th chakra, the heart chakra.

Claim Your Power With The Third Chakra

Welcome to part three of the seven part chakra series. Today we celebrate the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra. This is a power house of an energy center.  When this chakra is spinning harmoniously there is no stopping what you are capable of doing, nor is there a limit to the energy available to do it with. When it is off though, boy can the ego run amuck. You know self-doubt and boisterousness are two sides of the same coin, right? They are both ego: polarity expression of the same essence.

The Second Chakra & Your Relationship To The Other

The chakra system is a system that EVERY human being has, whether you believe in energy or not. The chakras are powerful energy centers that can be found along the spinal column with two extending into the head. Last time, we focused on the root chakra.

How To Use Essential Oils To Balance Your Chakras

With uses as varied as anti-aging, easing anxiety, and treating fungal infections, essential oils are the ultimate multitaskers. Extracted from the roots, flowers, leaves, or bark of a plant, essential oils have been used medicinally and ceremonially for thousands of years, and they continue to rise in popularity—the U.S.

Chakra Series: Vishuddhi - The Throat Chakra

Sitting in the pit of the throat, supporting the thyroid and parathyroid, the larynx and the vocal chords, sits Vishuddhi Chakra. Literally translated as “Visha” = impurities/poisons and “Shuddhi” = to purify, this vital center sits as the vortex for taking in that which is sweet and that which is considered “poison” from our environment and our experiences for potential purification. I say “potential” because this possibility exists with the proper use and activation of the Vishuddhi chakra, though not all are able to harness its power for personal reward.