The Root Chakra, Our Key To Survival
To those of you, who are relatively new to the world of energy, welcome. To those seasoned few I invite you into beginner’s mind.
To those of you, who are relatively new to the world of energy, welcome. To those seasoned few I invite you into beginner’s mind.
There is a theme running through my latest writings of tapping into life-force, the Cosmic kundalini energy within our beings to a greater degree. As energies are amping up on the planet and the process of evolution is taking each one of us deeper into the core of the Self we are being asked to harness our life-force and make the most out of our time here. Red coral is a gem that is here to help out.
Mantra work has been some of the most powerful work I have done in my lifetime. The effect mantra has on the cells of the body and the DNA is so pronounced that I can literally feel the shifts in my being after I chant. The resonant tones of chanting change the physical body forever. It is inescapable and undeniable: Chanting simply transforms you!
Red as blood, red as molten lava, as the fires of life dancing in the embers. Dark as night, as the cave of wonders, as the unknown depths of a person’s soul before discovering the gifts awaiting them. Red garnet is a dark red stone whose vibration and color helps us to tune into the richness of our capacity to live by aligning us with the fires of kundalini awakening in our root.
You may have heard the word “ashwagandha” get thrown around the health scene lately, and no…it’s not a cool, new yoga pose…Ashwagandha, also called “Indian ginseng,” is an herb, or more like a root, that is useful for everything from adrenal health to hair growth. And although it’s most famously known as an adaptogen, it’s got plenty more tricks up its sleeve. Here are just some of the ways that ashwagandha can completely turn your health around for the better.
My oldest son is a Taurus baby -- he is an incredible example to me of why Emerald is the perfect stone for this sign. Taurus is ruled by Venus and together they are a most sensual, grounded and beautifully rooted and body-oriented energy. The Emerald lends potent healing vibrations to the body of the Taurus and assists with feeling stable, connected and solidly aligned in the heart.
Before there was ever the white gelatin, sugary puffs, there was the marshmallow, which unlike the sweet is actually quite an amazing plant. Marshmallow, otherwise known as Althaea officinalis, is a perennial species plant which is native to Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. The root of the Marshmallow plant has often been used for many different purposes involving both health and medicine. Among many, here are 5 marvelous uses of marshmallow root.
Hold the ground, that’s what I tell myself. Hold the ground. I’ve been telling myself this for the past few months. The term tree hugger has an entirely new meaning for me. Lately, I find myself clutching trees, holding trees, and hugging trees to anchor myself to the earth. Knowing how to work with the first chakra--also known as the root chakra--is essential to feeling grounded and confident in our ability to fulfill our potential. Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is a powerful circle of energy that gives us a sense of well-being and safety.