
What Kind Of Meditation Is Right For You?

Meditation provides a wide range of benefits to you.  It’s no surprise meditation can help with stress, and along those lines it also has positive effects on blood pressure and mental health.  For example, meditation

Mudras For Mind // Body // Spirit: Uttarabodhi Mudra

Integrate mudras into your practice and life.


Uttarabodhi Mudra: Enlightenment

“Uttara” means “upward” and “bodhi” means “enlightenment” or “awakening.” This mudra allows you to explore a conscious spiritual practice and to renew your own commitment to the practice of yoga. Uttarabodhi Mudra symbolizes the light of the soul: opening one’s self to the divine power within.


Mudras for Mind // Body // Spirit: Ganesha Mudra

Integrate mudra into your practice and life.


Ganesha Mudra: Remove Obstacles

The inspiration for this mudra is from the elephant-headed Hindu deity Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It activates the heart chakra. Use this mudra to release obstacles from a place of joy and light.


Mudras for Mind // Body // Spirit: JalaShaya Mudra

Integrate sacred hand gestures into your practice and life.


JalaShaya Mudra: Lake Of Serenity

This cooling, calming mudra connects us with the pure and refreshing qualities of water. Jala means water and shaya means serenity, calm, nighttime. The quiet waters of inner peace.


The 7th Chakra & Your Relationship To The Universe

Welcome to the final article of the chakra series. We have reached the crown, the seat of cosmic consciousness and divine intelligence. This is the center that transcends all the individuality that your lower chakras have worked so hard to create. This is where you step into the experience that ALL IS ONE.

Reveal Truth With The 6th Chakra

Have you ever had the experience of a stranger speaking the exact right thing for you to hear precisely during the time your soul needed to hear it? Or how about the countless other times that strangers walk by and the glances or words are meaningless to you? 

This ability to bring message and meaning from a seemingly unknown source into your physical reality is the work of the third eye, the 6th chakra. It is no wonder why in Sanskrit this center is called Ajna: to perceive, to command.

8 Yoga Poses To Improve Your Focus & Concentration

Let’s be honest: as we move through 2019 many of us can get easily distracted with notification after notification. We’re connected 24/7 to our smartphones and other tech devices that bombard us with information and reminders of the convenient pleasures of instant gratification.

How Heat Heals

We like to wistfully muse about our lives. To play with the concept of this—literally—self-contained unit of time. This line of thinking has been called introspection, reflection, egocentrism, existentialism…I spent a considerable amount of time inside this line of thinking when I was in school. Whenever I would share my thoughts with friends or classmates I’d inevitably get “whoa, that's so deep man” in reply, and not much else. This irked me to no end. Yet, their disinterest had meaning in and of itself. How was running on this proverbial hamster wheel at all relevant to daily life?

You Are Enough: How To Overcome Scarcity & Trust In Abundance

Scarcity. This energy packed frequency of limited potential is a dense membrane that surrounds the human energetic field and closes off your ability to tap into the ever-flowing creative energy of Source which is the treasure box of abundance.