
How To Make Your Own Herb-Infused Oils

Many do it yourself herbal beauty and health products start with herb-infused oils. From lip balms to massage oils, the backbone of any herbal, oil-based product is a well-infused oil. While essential oils add a particularly aromatherapeutic effect, herb-infused oils tend to add a more deeply healing quality to your herbal products.

Staying Calm & Focused: 7 Botanicals For Day-To-Day Anxiety

I’ve written before about some fantastic plant allies for dealing with panic attacks that are also helpful for day-to-day anxiety and tension—though some of these botanicals may be a bit too sedating when you’re trying to shave off some tension and relax

Medicinal Plants To Start In Your Fall Garden

Many folks get gardening on the brain as spring kicks in, but did you know that fall is a fantastic time to start or add to your medicinal plant garden?   Growing your own medicine is one of the more empowering things you can do while also adding a bit of beauty to your life.  

If you’re not sure where to start, no worries! Here are a few considerations on what to put in your medicinal plant garden…


Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Lavender

Lavender is a member of the family Lamiaceae or Mint family of the genus Lavandula L. or lavender P containing four species. The plant is thought to be native to the Mediterranean basin east of India and has been used in many ways for approximately 2500 years.

How To Harvest & Dry Flowers & Herbs

Do you have an herb or flower garden? Do you enjoy foraging for flowers and herbs? Learning how to properly harvest and dry plants can really help them last a while and preserve their flavor and beneficial properties.


Essential Oil Essentials: Sunny, Natural Perfume Blends For Spring Scents

It’s spring!  (At least for those of us here in the northern hemisphere.) It’s a great time to make your own seasonal perfume blends to celebrate the return of green. Spring brings to mind rebirth, flourishing, moving forward, and movement in general.  Any of these can inspire a great-smelling, natural blend.  Or you can center your perfume around one main essential oil. 

A Holistic Approach To Menopause: Aromatherapy & Self-Massage With Balancing & Soothing Essential Oils

Menopause can trigger uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. The following recipes contain essential oils to provide some relief in balancing emotional stress, surges of heat, and sleep deprivation.

Natural Remedies For Cold Sores

You may have heard of using lemon balm for preventing and treating cold sores. And it’s great. We know it’s helpful from a long history of traditional use as well as from research studies.  But lemon balm’s not the only game in town.

6 Best Herbs For Infused Oils

Incorporating herbs into your lifestyle can take many forms, from cooking with essential oils to making your own body scrubs and lips balms.

Stick To Your Goals For A Healthy Vacation (That’s Relaxing, Too!)

Traveling can be a popular and much-needed way to destress, especially as the days start to turn warmer in southern locales and spring breaks come around—but vacation time can conflict with those recently set New Year’s resolutions.