It’s a well-known fact that smoking is both addictive as well as unhealthy for you. While I have met a few people who quit smoking cold turkey, there are plenty of people who greatly struggle with kicking the nasty nicotine habit. If you or someone you know wants to quit smoking, here is how Ayurveda can help.
Intention. Your intention to quit smoking is an important step in the Ayurveda process. Most people have the desire to quit, but aren’t really sure how. Letting your friends, family, and co-workers know about your intention can help you gain support in helping you quit.
Herbs. Herbs are a common method used in Ayurveda. Herbs such as lobelia are said to help to reduce nicotine cravings in smokers by mimicking similar effects that nicotine has on the brain. Licorice root is another herb utilized because of its suggested use in satisfying the oral cravings of smokers. Medicinal smoking is often prescribed for smokers who need to get over their cravings of nicotine. Some Ayurveda Physicians recommend herbal cigarettes free of nicotine to help their patients. These cigarettes contain herbs such as passionflower, turmeric, tulsi, cinnamon, gangal, mulethi, clove and guggulu.
Exercise. Ayurveda strongly encourages exercise because it teaches, as well as enhances, self-discipline. Discipline is important to have in order to quit and stay away from cigarettes for good. Exercise can help improve your lungs, health, mental balance, awareness, and focus. It can be a much healthier substitute for cigarettes.
Diet. Another highly encouraged way of using Ayurveda to quit smoking is by eating a healthy vegetarian diet. Drinking lots of water while eating a healthy diet containing milk, ghee, fruits and vegetables is highly recommended during your dieting-days of quitting. Cutting out things that enhance nicotine cravings such as coffee, sugar, or alcohol is also common in the Ayurveda dieting method.
Yoga. In Ayurveda, yoga is often used alongside many of the methods mentioned above. Meditation, breathing exercises, and awareness are great aids in assisting people with quitting smoking. Sometimes there is a deeper, hidden meaning behind your smoking addiction, which meditation can help you uncover. Because yoga emphasizes bringing forth awareness of the body, mind, and spirit, it can help lessen or even stop a person’s desire to continue smoking. Pranayama or controlled breathing exercises can help smokers deal with urges, stress, and the anxiety smokers often feel when they try to quit.
All in all, Ayurveda offers a vast array of natural treatments to help you quit smoking in order to obtain the healthy lifestyle you deserve. Don’t give up; you can do it. We believe in you.