
Ginger: An Ayurvedic Perspective

If you like to cook, drink tea, or simply enjoy a variety of tastes for your sophisticated palate, you have undoubtedly used ginger at some point in your diet in several different ways. Available for ingestion as a fresh root, a powder, a whole leaf, and even pills, ginger has played a large role in kitchens and medicinaries for centuries all over the world.

Ginger: Ayurveda’s Best Kept Secret

Ginger is a bit of a conundrum for not only does it ease constipation and improve digestion, it also is a great tool to fight against bloating, indigestion, and even diarrhea. So basically it’s one all-rounder spice, being good for the digestive system on the whole. And this healthy spice has plenty other benefits to be reaped as well.

Essential Oils: Physical & Spiritual Properties of Ginger

Preparing to step onto the stage, butterflies in my stomach, fear seeking to grip my frame, I reach for a vial of ginger essential oil stashed in my purse pocket. Dropping a few drops into the palm of my hand and rubbing it gently, inhaling the essence, I can immediately feel a sense of shifting. My feet plant more firmly into the ground and my spine straightens. Suddenly, overcome with confidence, preparing for this moment, I find myself elevated into the state of empowerment I know is normal for me,  and I step onto the stage.

The Healing Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger is the “ultimate medicine” according to Ayurveda. Not only does it warm the body and balance Vata-types, it’s also a healer for your digestion and immune health.