
Holistic Ways To Heal Dry Hands

It's no secret that winter dries out the skin. That's because skin is your first line of defense from the elements, so it takes a lot of damage. Unfortunately, our hands are usually the ones that take the most damage, so they often become dry and cracked. In some cases, they can even bleed, or worsen into eczema.

3 Healing Crystals For Mental Health: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Alexandrite

Crystals have been used for healing purposes for generations. Some crystals can aid your mental health, helping you achieve all around mental balance. Here are three crystals perfect for clearing and calming your mind (and they're really pretty too!).

Grow Your Own Herbal Tea Garden With These 5 Herbs

Many people are familiar with growing chives, parsley, cilantro, and mint, but tea herbs can open up the world of gardening. This past year, I’ve pushed myself to go beyond the typical varieties and try growing my own herbal tea garden. The results? A delicious (and economical) way to increase my consumption of tea and reap the benefits that herbs can offer.

8 Natural Pain Management Methods For Arthritis

Arthritis can strike at any age—the condition doesn't reserve itself to the elderly. And the pain this condition causes can be considerable. Medications can help alleviate the suffering, but they tend to come with a host of unpleasant side effects, rendering the remedy worse than the cure.

5 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries

Running is one of the most popular ways to exercise, thanks to its convenience—run anywhere, from city streets to country roads to high alpine trails. More than 40 million people in the United States run regularly, with 10 million of those running at least twice a week. Unfortunately, many of these people have experienced or continue to experience injuries, whether plantar fasciitis, illiotibial band syndrome, or stress fractures. 


How To Prepare Your Garden For Fall

Fall always comes faster than expected. In the garden, however, produce is at its peak with fresh berries, sweet corn, crunchy cucumbers, and juicy stone fruit sun ripe and ready to eat. 

6 Holistic Ways To Heal A Broken Bone Faster

If you've broken a bone, you know how distressing it can be. No doubt you want to return to your normal activities as quickly as possible. Are there any holistic ways to help a broken bone along?

While time remains the best healer for fractures, adopting certain healthy habits can speed up the recovery process. The following six tips may help you get back in the game as soon as possible.


6 Ways To Keep Wildlife Out Of Your Garden

This summer, I planted tomatoes, strawberries, celery, Swiss chard, pole beans, and a variety of other vegetables and herbs on my deck.

What Is Dry Needling & Is It Right For You?

Acupuncture has become a popular holistic treatment to alleviate pain for several conditions, but dry needling isn’t as well known. While both acupuncture and dry needling use small, stainless steel needles to trigger points in the body, dry needling is commonly used as a way to trigger muscles.