
The Best Raw Vegan Carrot Cake Ever

Carrot cake holds a special place in my heart. Ever since I was little, I’d always pick the carrot cake muffin at the mall. What kid in their right mind would pick carrot cake!? This one, apparently. While all the other kids shoveled in the chocolate chip muffins, I sat with my carrot one, happy as a bunny.

4-Ingredient Healthy Peanut Butter Macaroons

I am a peanut butter monster! I don’t even want to think about the amount of money I’ve spent on plain, crunchy peanut butter in the past year. It must be in the hundreds though. I always have a good ol’ jar of PB on hand. Recently, I was craving cookies but didn’t have very much in my cupboard. I had a whole whack of shredded coconut and of course my trusty peanut butter…so I decided to make peanut butter macaroons, because what is better than that, seriously…

Eat Fresh In April: Bok Choy, Avocados, Arugula & Turnips

There are lots of good reasons to eat seasonally: when fruits and vegetables are fresh, their nutrition is at its peak, and it’s more environmentally sustainable, for starters.  Ayurveda encourages eating seasonally too, and if you’re growing your own food, then it just makes sense to eat seasonally.  But it can be difficult to eat the fruits and vegetables that are in season if they’re new to you, or if yo

Easy, Chocolaty, Gluten-Free Brownies Recipe

Sometimes we’re content eating greens and chickpeas; other times we want something a little more indulgent. This easy gluten-free brownie recipe is for those other times. It’s rich and chocolaty, but doesn’t carry the baggage associated with processed sugar and refined flour.

Grain-Free Chocolate Chunk Cookies (Vegan & Paleo)

They say that cookies are the staff of life, or is it bread…either way, I’ve been “running” on cookies lately. Ever since I discovered this healthy, low sugar, vegan, grain-free recipe, it’s been my go-to snack as I run out the door—and sometimes even right before I jump into bed!

Superfood 101: Pistachios!

Pistachios belong to the family Anacardiaceae, commonly known as the sumac family. They are in the genus pistache P which has six species; the scientific name for the species pistachio nut is Pistacia vera L. The plant is native to regions in western Asia and was found to be eaten by people in Turkey and the Middle East as early as 7000 B.C.E. and cultivated for millennia.

Cooking with Essential Oils 101: Vegan Chocolate Avocado Mousse

If you want to serve a dessert that will produce lots of smiles this holiday season, you can’t go wrong with chocolate mousse. If you want to create a delicious, nutritionally significant treat, trying adding avocados to your chocolate mousse.

No-Bake Dessert Recipe: Lemon Snow Tart

So you might be wondering what lemon snow exactly is…I remember making it in my first grade class. One of my classmates brought in a recipe for “lemon snow” and the teacher thought it would be cool to make it. It was essentially a lemon popsicle in a paper cup, made with milk, lemon juice, and sugar. So strange…it was probably some ancient Scandinavian recipe from my classmate’s family lineage. I just remember it tasting so good and being possibly the most lemony and zesty thing I’ve ever had.

Sidewalk Pie: A Vegan, Gluten-Free, Raw Key Lime Pie Delight!

Sidewalk pie.

Mmmm, good ol’ Sidewalk Pie.

Wait, what? Sidewalk Pie?

What the heck is Sidewalk Pie, and, why is it called Sidewalk Pie, you ask?

It’s actually a Raw Key Lime Pie. And—this pie is so good, you could eat it off the sidewalk.

In fact, I and my friends actually did eat this pie off the sidewalk. This is not an exaggeration, figure of speech, or hyperbole. That’s just how dang good this pie is.


Cooking With Essential Oils 101: Dreamy Dairy Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

If you’re looking for an easy way to have a delicious, healthy, homemade dessert, I’ve got the scoop for you. And although it’s not exactly ice cream, its flavor lets it stand on its own.