
Secrets Of Sourdough + 4 Sourdough Discard Recipes

Still mastering the art of sourdough breadmaking, I have become willing slave to the patient process. Sourdough is just magical to me, and due to the investment of time and energy into the process—by both me, and the happy lactobacillus!—the flavor is that much more satisfying.

A Dozen Apple Varieties To Try This Fall

As the evenings wind down earlier with the falling sun and the nights become cooler, autumn is upon us. And with fall comes the wonderful flavors of the season…generally revolving around pumpkin spice or the bite of a fresh, crisp apple.

Essential Oil Essentials: Seasonal Scents For Your Home

Here are some great oils and a few ideas for blends to get into the seasonal mode and lighten up the dark days. Essential oils are fun and useful to use any time of the year, but especially to spice life up in these (for some of us) colder and darker months.

Celebrate Your Birthday To Celebrate You—28 Alternative Ways To Spend Your Birthday

After, oh, roughly the age of 21, birthdays get a little less exciting for a lot of people.  Instead of counting down to your birthday, you might find it sneaking up on you, leaving you no time to plan any kind of celebration.  Or maybe as an adult, you’re stuck working on your birthday and don’t feel up to making a whole day of it—or even an evening.  In this global age, perhaps you’re living far away from most of your loved ones or a recent transplant to a new city without a large local social network.  Some of us are watching our wallets and want to celebrate our big

Too Many Veggies? Here’s What To Do

Earlier this week, I harvested the last of my vegetables: huge zucchini, dark purple eggplant, shiny red peppers, stalks and stalks of celery, and the remaining cherry tomatoes.

Cooking Substitutions: Out Of Eggs, Buttermilk, Or Chocolate?

Do you ever find yourself realizing mid-recipe that you’re missing a key ingredient? Or, any ingredient, for that matter? Sometimes I do, and get a little frantic, mostly because I usually don’t want to drive to the store before I eat a warm homemade cookie…

Vegan Baking: How To Substitute Eggs & Butter

Baked goods like cakes, muffins, and biscuits are delicious and a fun way to treat yourself. Even a hearty muffin can make for a great breakfast if the ingredients are right.

No-Bake Dessert Recipe: Lemon Snow Tart

So you might be wondering what lemon snow exactly is…I remember making it in my first grade class. One of my classmates brought in a recipe for “lemon snow” and the teacher thought it would be cool to make it. It was essentially a lemon popsicle in a paper cup, made with milk, lemon juice, and sugar. So strange…it was probably some ancient Scandinavian recipe from my classmate’s family lineage. I just remember it tasting so good and being possibly the most lemony and zesty thing I’ve ever had.

Sidewalk Pie: A Vegan, Gluten-Free, Raw Key Lime Pie Delight!

Sidewalk pie.

Mmmm, good ol’ Sidewalk Pie.

Wait, what? Sidewalk Pie?

What the heck is Sidewalk Pie, and, why is it called Sidewalk Pie, you ask?

It’s actually a Raw Key Lime Pie. And—this pie is so good, you could eat it off the sidewalk.

In fact, I and my friends actually did eat this pie off the sidewalk. This is not an exaggeration, figure of speech, or hyperbole. That’s just how dang good this pie is.


Recipe: Simple Whole Wheat Banana Nut Muffins

It’s easy to write-off sweet baked goods, especially the kind that come in packages from the grocery or convenience store. Often laden with excess sugar, salt, and fat, the common baked good has been unfairly demonized. With the use of real fruit, good quality butter, and whole wheat flour, these Whole Wheat Banana Nut Muffins with Chocolate Chips are as good for the soul as they are for your health.