Maca Root – The Perfect Yogic Superfood

The practice of yoga is designed to assist the body in aligning the spiritual and mental bodies with the physical. Within the body itself, yoga works to align bones and soft tissue, and even more specifically, it helps to balance the very important endocrine glands and their corresponding chakras. Maca root, grown in the mountains of Peru, is an excellent adaptagenic herb that specifically targets the glands of the endocrine system and assists in bringing harmony and health.

Bring Green Inside! Your DIY Terrarium Tutorial

Now that there are apparently several more weeks of winter (thanks, Mr. Groundhog), it is the perfect time to find creative ways to incorporate more green into your life. Not only is a thriving, jungle-like terrarium lovely in the colder, winter months when we’re all too ready for spring, but a cleverly crafted terrarium can bring joy throughout all of the seasons.

DIY Skincare 101: Lip balm + Lip Scrub

Chapped, dry lips? I get it. Winter has a knack for drying skin out, especially lips. Lips are ultra sensitive to everything, so it makes sense that they get hit the hardest by cold, dry weather. That said, your lips can still get dry or chapped in the warmer months too! To keep them in the best condition, I recommend making a lip scrub and lip balm for them. Making your own won’t only be rewarding and fun, but cheaper, too. (Not to mention you’ll know what’s in them.)  Most of the things you’ll need to make each one can be bought in any grocery or health food store.

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: Naturally Controlling Anemia

There is a little bit of everything inside of Mother Earth’s Medicine Cabinet. Anemia is a condition that occurs when your blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells, also known as hemoglobin. The hemoglobin in our red blood cells is extremely important for maintaining good health. If you have abnormal blood cells or not enough of them your body will not get enough oxygen.

What Is Anemia?

Organic Home Garden Series: 10 Ideas To Connect Your Garden & Community

Running an organic, sustainable garden is not easy to do solo, especially when you have a larger garden with plenty enough to tend to.  Having support and assistance from others within your community can really lend a helping hand, and there are often people within communities who could truly benefit from gardens.  For those looking for ideas on how to gain gardening support within your community, check out these 10 ideas for connecting your garden with your community.

1.      Give and Share

Your Guide To Community Supported Agriculture

When I lived in Germany, we subscribed to a biweekly delivery of produce from a local farm.  It encouraged us to try new produce that we honestly never would have tried otherwise – especially in a foreign country!  From the rare (and new to me): Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes), black salsify, and kohlrabi; to lots and lots and lots of cabbage, carrots, and dill, it’s one of my favorite memories of my time in that country. 

5 Herbs That Will Chill You Out

Taking deep breaths and putting your head between your knees doesn't always work for those wonderful, anxious moments. Stress-related ailments are more common than ever in our fast paced technology driven society. But, the good news is, there are lots of ways to get your chill on – and most methods are pretty cheap and easy to implement into a daily routine. These 5 herbs will calm your parasympathetic nervous system (or “fight or flight response”) and help you chill right out.

6 Free Family Activities To Do This Weekend

Family activities are fun, but they can be hard to plan or expensive. Usually this means spending a bunch of money, or letting the kids run around the house playing on their electronics so you don't have to go anywhere and spend. Luckily, family bonding time doesn't always have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are plenty of family filled fun activities you can do at home or around town that don't require money.

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 19-24, 2017

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tunin

Plant-Based Sources of Protein

Every vegetarian and vegan has heard it before, and will undoubtedly hear it time and time again—“But where do you get your protein?” Just to set things straight, a lot of Americans are overweight because we actually eat too much protein than we need to due to many of us rarely exercising. For everyone who thinks people on plant-based diets are lacking protein, you’re sadly mistaken; most of us are definitely getting adequate amounts.