Organic Home Garden Series: 6 Basic Steps to Transplanting

When your plants no longer have the space needed to survive in their containers, it’s time to transplant those babies. Taking growing plants and placing them into a larger space will give them room to spread their roots and develop successfully. For some gardeners, it can be something of the mundane, while for others it is something completely new to attempt.

Cooking With Spices 101: DIY Homemade Teas

Waking up in the morning or winding down from a long day, there is nothing like a good cup of tea. Good quality teas, however, can be expensive and hard to find. What's worse is when you go to reach for a bag, and realize the bag is empty. While most consumers rely on purchasing pre-blended tea bags, you can make your own tea using fresh ingredients already in your kitchen. A little creativity and prep is all it takes to be minutes away from a soothing mug. Here are a few tips to follow when delving into homemade teas.

Always With Us

I have a lot of fears. Most of them centering around physical safety. For much of life, I’ve tried to inoculate myself from danger by either not engaging, or by believing terrible things wouldn’t happen to me because I’m protected by my higher power. A few years ago, I was hit by a car as a pedestrian and that viewpoint shattered. It was a horrible time that shook me to my core. I realized being a woman of faith doesn’t mean I’ll escape all harm. Rather, it means regardless of what happens there is always a loving force with me.

Natural PMS & Cramps Relief

Premenstrual symptoms are something lots of cis-women go through roughly every month for much of their lives. Some common symptoms include cramps, bloating, increased acne, depression, irritability and tender breasts. Research is still being conducted on why women experience PMS, and some doctors even believe PMS could be hereditary.

“Terroir”: How Environmental Factors Affect Product…And You

“Terroir” is a French term that stems from the word “terre,” meaning “land” or “earth.” It is a concept commonly used when discussing wine and vineyard-growing regions. The “terroir” of a given wine – the complexities of its flavor – essentially depends on four unique factors: climate, soil, terrain, and tradition. Combined, these four aspects offer a unique and non-replicable terroir associated with the wine that is produced under those specific circumstances.

Swap The Sandwich: Spruce Up Your Work Lunch

While the start of a new year might seem like a good time to start swapping less-than-healthy routines for better options, spring is actually the best time for a fresh start. Why? The world is becoming green again here in North America, with seasonal favorites like radishes, sweet peas, and asparagus coming to the market.

Keep Calm And Beat Chronic Stress: Here’s How

Stress. I have yet to meet someone who is not dealing with it. Who of us is not worried about money, our health, or how to juggle all of our time? We all experience stress on a regular basis, and it is unfortunately difficult to avoid in our fast-paced, money-driven Western society. Stress can come in a variety of ways and in different levels of intensity.

Waste Not: 10 Uses for Mushy Fruits

Let’s start with a few harsh facts. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, if just one-fourth of the food currently wasted or lost globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million people in the world. Frankly, when so much of the world is hungry, undernourished, underfed and starving – food wastage is a crime in itself.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews - [Whole Health: A Holistic Approach to Healing for the 21st Century By Mark Mincolla]

Whole Health: A Holistic Approach to Healing for the 21st Century

Superfood 101: Beets!

Love them or hate them, beets are an incredibly healthy root. Starchy, sweet, and bursting with nature's nutrients, beetroots are an ancient food with many purposes. Belonging to the same family as chard and spinach, they contain as many phytonutrients as well as the addition of long sought after plant pigments. If you find yourself beet curious, read on to satisfy your fascination.