Natural Ways To Reduce Heartburn

Do you struggle with occasional heartburn?

If so, you are not alone. Many Americans suffer from heartburn or acid reflux symptoms. The conventional treatment is to prescribe an antacid – which at first glance sounds logical, doesn’t it? (I mean if you are feeling too much acid, then you need something to decrease it, right?)

How To Transform Boring, Inexpensive Food Into Extraordinary Dishes

Getting the usual bargain buys at the grocery store gets sort of old, after a while, don’t you think? Luckily, a little imagination and creativity goes a long way! It’s much easier than you’d think to transform those tired kitchen staples into seemingly new, refreshing, and impressive dishes that one might even dare to describe as somewhat fancy. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy a luxurious meal without the luxurious price tag?

The Best Way To Cook Rice To Reduce Arsenic

Hear the word arsenic, and immediately poison comes to mind. From cancer to heart disease, arsenic has been linked to a multitude of health problems. High levels can be fatal, but the reality is this silver-gray or white element that naturally occurs in nature can be found in our food. Plants we consume may take up small amounts from soil and water. While trace amounts can be found in grains, fruits, and vegetables, rice is particularly susceptible. Yes, the rice you're eating does contain arsenic. So is there a way to enjoy rice and not consume the unhealthy chemical?

3 Reasons To Eat Cranberries

Cranberries are more than just the lumpy, coagulated red side dish on your Thanksgiving dinner table, and certainly more than the name of a 90s rock band. These acidic red berries do more for your health, and perhaps more for your taste buds, than you think. Read on to find out why it’s worth it to take a second look at cranberries.

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: The Healing Benefits of Sassafras

Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) is actually a really versatile healing plant, and it looks really interesting, too - often times one bunch of this herb can contain different types of leaves!  This tree smells so amazing -- every part of it has a strong, sweet aroma that’s almost relaxing.

5 Ways to Go Natural and Help The Environment

Want to make an impact on the earth but don't know how? It might be easier than you think. See, back when I first started learning about the environmental stress our world is under, I felt overwhelmed. I wanted to do everything I could to help the environment, but didn't know where to start. After all, there are so many problems to address: Pollution, harmful chemicals, endangered species, and pesticides are just a few. That said, there are ways you can help the earth without losing your marbles. Here are five easy ways to start living a more natural, eco-friendly lifestyle.

What's A Food Co-Op?

For those of you who are curious about these food co-ops that you see popping up, you should know that these grocery stores with a twist are called food cooperatives for a good reason—they’re all about cooperation. Food co-ops thrive in communities that are interested in working together for the common good.

Herbal Tea Blends for Menstrual Relief

For as long as I can remember, my menstrual cycle has been a source of pain, fatigue, and emotionality. While I consider this monthly process of the body to be a sacred one, the disruption that it causes due to the pain and fatigue that I experience during this time is at the point of needing to plan events and trips around my cycle, and sometimes needing to cancel events when it arrives. Needless to say, for the majority of my life, I have overall not ‘enjoyed’ my menstrual cycle, and it is something that I have come to dread and feel powerless to the effects of.

Castor Oil: Beauty Hacks For Skin & Hair

Need an elixir to get the luster back in your skin, or that bounce back in your hair? While castor oil is no fountain of youth, it sure makes for healthier skin and hair. Interested? Read on…

Your Astrology Weekly Forecast: February 27 - March 4, 2017

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of th