20 Questions With A Health Guru: Christina De Avila

Christina De Avila eats, lives and breathes holistic health. Here’s your chance to get a glance at the inner-workings of a health guru’s life.  


Easy Recipe: Red Lentil Curry

It's been raining nonstop the past two days, which is good because we need it. However, the productivity level on days like these is hard to maintain. It's difficult not to curl up with a good book or binge watch movies all day. When I get that urge, I give myself a break and head to the kitchen.

Craving something comforting, warm, and tasty –  it's days like these that some of the best meals are born. And on this raining day, in particular, I was craving a comforting, pungent dish. That's when I got the idea to use up some of our red lentils and whip up an easy, vegan red curry.

Unique Approaches to Achieving Weight Loss

Anyone who has ever attempted to shed a few extra pounds has heard that diet and exercise is the key to weight loss success. It’s a popular saying because eating right and getting active is a perfect, proven formula for getting rid of unnecessary, unwanted weight.

Magnesium: Why This Trending Supplement Matters

Magnesium is a trending supplement, and for more reasons than you might think. While stress and anxiety are at all-time highs due to our fast-paced lifestyles, our food is becoming less nutrient-dense due to the depletion of our soil. The widespread use of pesticides and the pressure to maintain a high crop turnover has left little room for our soil to replenish its nutrients through fallow fields or crop rotation.

Pisces Birth Stones - Aquamarine & Blue Sapphire

I was given a piece of Aquamarine when I went to visit the great Seer and Mystic Almine, at her home near the ocean in Newport, Oregon. I felt so deeply drawn through my studies of her material that I should go to where she was and see what transformations could be had in her presence. I have truly never met a more generous, loving individual in all of my life. When I departed, besides the many other gifts bestowed on me during my stay, she gave me a gorgeous piece of Aquamarine which reflected the depth of my visit there.

Snoozing Your Way to Wellness

Life is but a dream, right?

Sleep is a naturally occurring state, where the body and the mind periodically enter a state of regulated restoration for another invigorating day. Sleep is in fact a very active process, regulated by different hormones, and a time when self-healing is in full effect.  To get the full benefits of sleep’s restorative and holistic healing power, you must observe a recurring quality sleep daily.

10 Five-Minute Activities That Could Change Your Life

Many people fear change -- not because of the change itself but because they always assume it will take a lot of time, patience, and sacrifice to make a difference in their lives. However, this is not always the case – there are plenty of small activities you can implement into your daily routine and watch your life get better. What’s even better – none of these takes up more than 5 minutes of your day.

Superfood 101: Walnuts!

The walnut tree is found from the Balkans to China. It is a slow-growing tree, and its fruit has been eaten by Europeans for more than 8,000 years. The ancient Greeks began cultivating the trees and the practice spread throughout Europe. The walnut tree came to North America with the English settlers in the early 19th century –  and thus the walnut got its name the English walnut. Today the largest groves of walnut trees are found in Kyrgyzstan at high elevations.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 48

Wellness Wednesday 48: Standing Side Bend


Great side opener.

Helps tone core.

Strengthens back.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start standing in Tadasana with arms above head and fingers interlaced.

Gently bend to one side, make sure not to force body over.

Keep feet firmly planted on the ground, legs are engaged.

Belly is toned and pelvis is in a natural position.

Head is looking forward, in natural position.