Recipe: Vegan Avocado Breakfast Hash

What's better than a hot breakfast? Even though I usually reach for fruit in the morning, I've gotten in the habit of considering the veggie route for my morning fuel. Veggies provide a slower energy release than fruit, which, depending on your morning activities could be a good or bad thing. If you know you're going to have a more relaxing morning, veggies are perfect for that slow burn. A veggie-fied breakfast is also good for those looking to reduce their intake of sugar. A diet high in vegetables can train your metabolism to crave less sweet and more nutrient dense foods. 

How Eating Locally Benefits Your Health And Community

Globalization and domestic big agriculture have made it possible to get avocados in the winter, oranges that are actually orange, and out of season or imported fruit at cheap prices. However, this globalized demand for food also has its share of problems.

Turmeric Carrot Tomato Soup (Vegan)

What spices do you use in your cooking?

Whether you're showcasing a single spice or embracing many flavors in a harmonious blend, spices do wonders for our tastebuds and our dosha. Each spice has different effects, but all are full of health benefits. In the case of turmeric, its pungent nature can balance out the doshas, but careful, too much can aggravate pitta and vata.

Ayurvedic Hacks For Pain Free Periods

According to Ayurveda, the menstrual period should happen every 28 days, last about three days and be pain free. That said, if you do face painful periods then here is what you should know and do…


Are Food Sensitivities Sabotaging Your Health?

Did you know food sensitivities could be affecting your health daily, and hindering your ability to lose weight? Food sensitivities are more and more common these days. If you haven’t already experienced them yourself, you probably know someone dealing with them. For many people, myself included, figuring them out makes all the difference to their health. I know it did for me – even though I thought I ate ‘healthier’ than anyone I knew. Yet I was struggling with poor energy levels throughout the day and had trouble getting through workouts.

Craniosacral Therapy For Releasing Restrictions In The Body

I don’t have a history of getting headaches, so when they started nagging at me, pulling at my forehead and temples by early afternoon, I took notice. Nothing in my lifestyle had changed—I was still at the same job, eating the same foods, reading and working and writing under the same lighting. At a loss to pinpoint the source of these new headaches, I decided it was the perfect time to check out craniosacral therapy.

Easy Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Quinoa

Every so often my standard morning oatmeal recipe starts to feel boring and bland; I crave something warm and satisfying, but decidedly not made from oats. Enter breakfast quinoa!

Chat With A Healer: Ceiba Sebastian

Click to listen or read the transcription below to learn more about Ceiba Sebastian.





Ceiba:  Hello?

Marji:  Hi, Ceiba, it's Marji, how are you?

Ceiba:  Well, I'm fine, how are you?

Marji:  I'm great.  How is your day so far?

Ceiba:  Great.  I'm loving the sunshine.  I'm soaking in it.

Living Off The Grid: 5 DIY Natural Ink Recipes

I love making my own ink! It’s almost like crafting something magical in a weird way. The first homemade ink I ever made myself was pokeberry ink. Let me warn you in advance -- it can be a messy project and some of the ink can permanently stain. My pestle and mortar remained a light magenta color for the longest time. A quick side note: I don’t recommend using the same pestle and mortar for your ink as you do for your food and medicine.

5 Fun Ways To Prepare & Eat Fiddlehead Ferns

As spring starts peeking around the corner, you might notice all the beautiful fiddlehead ferns starting to arise. They are lovely for looking at and even better for eating. The wild plants are known as "fiddleheads" because they resemble the neck of a fiddle. These gorgeous greens are said to have several health benefits. They are high in fiber, potassium, and magnesium as well as vitamins C and A. But how do you consume them?