10 DIY Uses of Aspirin

We all know aspirin as a blood thinner, a heart protector and an inflammation reducer… But did you know that aspirin can add oodles of goodness to your DIY beauty or home care routine?

The main ‘salt’ or drug behind aspirin and its many other names is acetylsalicylic acid, which is found in nature as a plant derivative of the willow tree. This dissolvable medicine is not just an essential drug -- it can be used for so many different beauty, garden and home care hacks. Read on…

Cooking With Spices 101: The Difference Between Herbs & Spices

Herbs and spices elevate the flavor of our food, giving it that little something extra. We use them in tonics to cure what ails us. They stock our cabinets waiting to be utilized. Yes, herbs and spices are like the icing on the cake. But while they both are used to enhance the flavors of our food, have you ever wondered what exactly the difference is between the two?

Cooking With Spices 101: 4 Easy, Healthy Spices You Can Eat Daily

Your spice cabinet is not only a resource for elevating the flavor of your food, it's packed full of health benefits that increase the nutrition of your food. Throughout the day, we may get our fare share of salt and pepper, but don't forget the spices as well! If you're not used to incorporating spices into your cooking, you may have no idea where to begin. That's why you should test out these amazing four spices. Chock full of health benefits, you can easily incorporate them into your daily diet. And you may just find a new flavor combination you can't go a day without!

5 Ways To Improve Your Menstrual Cycle

I envy the women who are lucky enough to experience a pain-free menstrual cycle each month and essentially go about their daily lives with little to no interruption as their monthly moon waxes and wanes. 

My experience has been quite the opposite for as long as I can remember.

Foods To Rev Up Your Metabolism

Whenever I notice naturally thin people eating greasy junk food non-stop, I can’t help but wonder if their presumably fast metabolisms are responsible. I’m sure I can’t be the only envious one who does this. Another thing that might have some women stricken with envy is the fact that men tend to have faster metabolisms than women. How great is that (for men)?

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: 7 Medicinal Benefits Of Betony

Wood Betony (Stachys betonica or Botanica officinalis) is an edible herb that’s packed full of alkaloids, tannins, saponins and several medicinal healing benefits. Wood Betony has been a part of traditional medicine for centuries. In fact, during the Middle Ages it was considered to be one of the cure-all herbs. It was once one of the most used medicinal herbs by the Anglo-Saxons.

Organic Home Garden Series: 7 Basic Steps For Seed Sprouting

Sprouting seeds is a smart and healthy way to use up any leftover seeds you may have from your garden. Sprouted seeds have been recorded as being consumed and grown over many centuries. Not only does sprouting seeds provide a quick way to grow and provide fresh vegetables, but it also allows for a way for food to be grown indoors during the cold weather.

The Five Pranas In The Body

Prana is, quite simply, life. It is the life force, nourishing body, mind and soul both literally and figuratively. Prana flows within the body by way of breath (the element of air), but also enters the body by the other four elements: earth, water, fire and the ether. The ether, or space, is the element of the soul. It is the element we aim to embody during meditation, as we move inward to find space. Prana is essential to accessing this endless space, and so we prepare for the process of locating space by practicing pranayama.

DIY Organic Homemade Baby Food

Making a baby transition from milk bottles to his/her first solids can be quite a task. Here are some easy, time-proven ideas…


10 Ingredients Vegans Should Avoid

If you’re following a strictly plant-based diet, you’re probably aware of how difficult it can be to decipher whether or not a packaged food is vegan. Many people assume that products that don’t contain meat, butter, cheese, or eggs are surely vegan; however, unfortunately, it is much more complicated than that.