Move It! 8 Ways To Sneak In Exercise All Day Long

Who isn’t busy these days?  Between working, making healthy meals, spending quality time with loved ones, keeping the house clean, and squeezing in a little

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Roses

Roses are a member of the family Rosaceae or Rose family of the genus Rosa L. or rose P. The plant has approximately 150 natural species and is native to the Northern Hemisphere from Alaska to Mexico and northern Africa. Fossil evidence has found the rose to be thirty-five million years old. It is thought that the first garden cultivation of roses took place 5000 years ago in China.

Raw Milk Recipes: Make Your Own Cheese

Making cheese is a craft handed down by generations of people from all over the world. To make a raclette, for instance, takes time, patience, perfect conditions, healthy animals, and skilled people. You, however, can be the maker of your very own cheese as well. Fresh farmer’s cheese is relatively quick and easy to make and can be used in so very many ways, from a spread on toast, to paneer cubes in your next curry, a topping for a salad, or even on pancakes.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 167

Sheetkari Pranayama - Hissing Breath


Sheetkari Pranayama, hissing breath, is a powerful cooling pranayama (breath practice) that anyone can do. It helps to bring down the temperature of the body and calms the mind at the same time. A variation on sheetali breath, the tradition cooling practice, sheetkari is perfect for those who can’t roll their tongues. It also has added health benefits that sheetali does not. This practice can be done anytime throughout the day to help manage stress and overwhelm, although it is best suited for hot climates and summer months.

Essential Oil Essentials: Blend Your Own Seasonal Scent For Autumn

Autumn is approaching, at least for those of us with discernible seasons. Though days here in Durango, Colorado, are still reaching the 90s, nights and mornings are cool and the sun is getting lower in the sky.  Whether you love pumpkin spice and changing leaves or struggle with the shortening daylight hours, a great way to mark the seasonal change is to make your own natural perfume blend for the fall. 

10 Backpacking Essentials To Pack For Your Next Trip

When planning what essentials to pack for a backpack trip, there are several factors that need to be considered when purchasing equipment for your time in the wilderness. The most important things to keep in mind are how long you will be out for, and how weight and cost play a role in purchasing your gear. With that in mind we can discuss the 10 most important items for your travels.

Composting Tips, Tricks & Hacks

Started composting already? Well, the plants, the soil, and the Earth thank you for it. But let’s up the composting game with a few well-placed hacks and tips!


What Is Dry Needling & Is It Right For You?

Acupuncture has become a popular holistic treatment to alleviate pain for several conditions, but dry needling isn’t as well known. While both acupuncture and dry needling use small, stainless steel needles to trigger points in the body, dry needling is commonly used as a way to trigger muscles. 


Meatless Monday: Cooling Cucumber Raita Is A Hot Weather Win

By summer’s end, when your body has accumulated several months of heat, the idea of cooling down holds special appeal. And while you might be tempted to reach for a cold drink or ice cream to soothe your body, there are other, delicious, healthier foods that can do the trick, like today’s cucumber raita.

Your Weekly Astrological Forecast: September 1-7, 2019

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter / Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune / Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something big is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a