It’s summer, the season for the king of fruits. No, not the durian -- the mango! It’s sweet, juicy, golden-yellow goodness. I like to think of mangoes as an app for my sugar cravings; whatever kind of sweetness you need, there is a mango for that. If you like sweet with a little bit of tang, you can find one like that. If you like a creamy sweet, there are mangoes for that. If you feel like a sugar rush, you can certainly find one for that. If it’s savory you desire, mangoes make a delicious curry dish or chutney as a side order.
Mangoes offer excellent health benefits, even promising weight loss and clear skin.
Here are seven health benefits you can get from them and a recipe to satisfy that craving.
1. Fights Heat Stroke - Not sure about your part of the world, but it’s over 90 degrees Fahrenheit where I live, so I try to use whatever means I can to keep the heat at bay. It is especially important to keep your body hydrated and maintain a healthy sodium level to prevent dehydration and heat stroke during the summer months. A cup of mango provides 7 percent of your daily intake of potassium, which is essential in balancing out the level of sodium in your body. So make a smoothie or mango ice this summer to keep you hydrated and balanced.
2. Alkalizes the Body - A life out of balance is a life in chaos; the same sentiment goes for the body. If your body is too acidic, it leads to many health problems, some of which include chronic depression, excessive nervousness, higher risk of bone loss, ulcers, inflammation of the eye, teeth and gum diseases to name a few. Mangoes contain citric, malic and tartaric acids that help to maintain alkalinity in the body. An alkalized body offers enhanced energy, proper digestion, lower susceptibility to colds and flu, more restful sleep and more elastic, youthful skin.
3. Helps to Boost Memory and Concentration - Mangoes contain glutamine, which converts to glutamine acid in the body. Glutamine contributes to removing excess ammonia from the body, and helps with immune system function, healthy brain function and digestion.
4. Weight Loss - Depending on who you ask they may answer mangoes are good for weight gain; some say weight loss. However, with the high fiber content of 9 percent probiotic fibers and the rich nutritional content of the mango, making a swap of mango for dessert as opposed to that hot fudge sundae you were eyeing would do wonders for your waistline, boost your immune system and provide added fuel for exercise. I vote mangoes for weight loss as opposed to weight gain.
5. Strengthens Your Immune System - Mangoes contain 75 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C, 25 percent vitamin A, 11 percent vitamin B6, and other B vitamins plus 25 different types of carotenoids. This combination helps to keep your immune system healthy and at optimal function.
6. Glowing Healthy Skin - Mangoes help the body to maintain a healthy PH level by alkalizing the body, and the rich sources of Vitamins C, A and E contribute to keeping skin issues at bay. Using the pulp of the mango as a scrub also acts as a skin cleanser to help unclog the pores and add a healthy glow to the face. It is suitable for all skin types.
7. Eye Health - For those of you with poor eyesight, mangoes help prevent further degeneration of your vision. As mentioned earlier, a body that is very acidic can lead to poor eye health including inflammation of the eyelids and cornea. Mangoes help the body to maintain healthy PH levels, which in turn leads to better eye health. Also, the Vitamin A in mangoes helps with fighting dry eyes and preventing night blindness.
Wow, with all those health benefits I wish I could get mangoes all year round!
Stay tuned for an amazing recipe for Mango Curry!