I’ve been following Cassie Day https://www.instagram.com/cassiedayyy/ on Instagram for awhile now and every time her name comes up on my feed I get a little pang of excitement to see what she’s posted.
Cassie Day is a certified holistic nutritionist, personal trainer and motivation maven. This woman is filled to the brim with passion and all she wants is to share it with you. Take one look at her Instagram feed and you will know what I mean. After getting a job as a personal trainer at a local Toronto gym, Cassie knew she had found her purpose in life. Now she trains clients all over the city and teaches fitness classes under her trademark “All Day Fit” http://cassieday.ca. Here are twenty questions with the female force herself, Cassie Day.
1. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
4 scrambled eggs, ½ of an avocado and a ton of hot sauce.
2. What does a typical day-in-the-life of Cassie Day look like?
Yesterday I had 8 clients. I taught one boxing class and one kettlebell class and trained with my personal trainer and boxing coach. I also biked to and from every location while checking emails at red lights. I like to be busy and I don’t know any other way to get things done than to multitask.
3. If you could take only ONE supplement or herb for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I base my supplements and herbs on what my body needs at the time.
4. What's the most common issues you have found that people come to you for?
Weight loss, low energy and people who are confused because they think they’re eating extremely clean but not seeing the results they want.
5. What's your "not-so-healthy" guilty pleasure?
Chocolate covered almonds.
6. How many days per week do you exercise?
4-6, depending on how crazy my week is. My week usually consists of 2 lower body days, 1-2 boxing days, 1 yoga class and my own trainer twice a week.
7. Yoga or Running
Not a running fan, yoga all the way.
8. What's the last thing you read?
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
9. What would you be doing if you weren't a health guru?
I love digital media but I couldn’t imagine not doing what I do now. I absolutely love my career and am so grateful for it.
10. What's your Dosha type?
11. What are you obsessed with currently food-wise?
Pistachio-crusted salmon. I’m pretty sure I’ve made it every week for the past month!
12. Describe your diet in three words.
Whole, real, foods.
13. Whose Instagram should we all be following right now?
14. What inspired you to become a health guru in the first place?
University is when I started to realize the effects that proper eating and daily exercise had on my mood and studies. After that, it didn’t take long before I was trying to share it with everyone around me.
15. Favorite herbal tea?
Lemon-Honey-Ginger tea – I actually make it myself!
16. What's your go-to snack at the moment?
Gluten-free crackers and avocado covered in garlic and hot sauce.
17. What’s the most common thing people do wrong when they're trying to get healthy?
Not consuming enough calories.
18. Favorite restaurant? What do you usually order?
Kupfert and Kim on King and Spadina. My favorite dessert there is the oat square; it’s actually to die for.
19. Do you have a morning ritual? What is it?
Wake up at 6:05, wash my face, apply oil to my skin, brush my teeth and then sprint out the door to meet my first client at 6:30am.
20. What's the best piece of health advice you've ever been given?
“Listen to your body.”