6 Weight Loss Tips For People Over 40

6 Weight Loss Tips For People Over 40

Weight loss isn't easy, especially when you’re both overweight and over 40. It can be particularly difficult because of uncontrollable factors such as slower metabolism, lower hormone levels, and life just getting in the way of fitness.

But it’s important to keep up on your fitness and weight loss goals, or you can become susceptible to a whole bunch of age-related diseases such as:

  • Dementia
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • A Variety of Cancers

To prevent these from happening, here are 6 effective weight loss tips -- even if you're way beyond 40.

1. Improve Diet

This is the first and one of the most important steps in weight loss. We are what we eat and if we eat junk, our body absorbs junk. It takes a lot of discipline to live off healthy food but it's worth it. Some foods can even help you burn fat, fight disease, and make you look younger! If you start eating vegetables, lean meat, and fruits over the usual junk food, you should notice a good weight difference within weeks -- and you haven't even started exercising yet.

Protip: It's always best to reduce or outright remove sugar intake. Sugar is one of the silent causes of obesity. It's silent because it's included in most processed foods so it wouldn't make much of a difference even if you did skip out on adding sugar cubes when you drink your fancy frappes. 

2. Move Often

Humans are meant to move; our ancestors were nomads who had to travel a lot to survive. Basically, movement is life and makes us use our muscles and revs up our metabolism. The more muscles you work, the more calories are burned. The simplest ways to get moving include taking the stairs instead of the elevator or getting off public transportation a few blocks away from the office or your home and walking the remaining distance (if you drive, you can park in the farthest spot to get in some extra walking). 

Protip: Try "micro workouts," where you perform a minimal exercise movement for a short amount of time while you're busy doing something else. A good example would be doing squats or push-ups for 2-3 minutes at work every hour. It can also be as simple as walking up and down the stairs once or twice to get the blood pumping and the muscles stretched. It also helps prevent back pain.

3. Quit Bad Habits

The body of a 20-year old is vastly different from the body of a 40-year old. The same abuse a 20-year-old body can handle is often not tolerated by a 40-year-old. Drinking, smoking, and staying up late or having a lack of sleep all contribute to added weight gain, not to mention worsening other health conditions.

4. Avoid Fad Diets

Fad diets don't always work and when they do, they often only work on a select group of people. People in their 40's who try fad diets risk their health, especially when the diet requires minimal caloric or nutrient intake. It's best to start slow and just have a plate full of healthy food every day, and if you're still looking to go on a fad diet, consulting your doctor is the first step.

5. Reduce Stress

Stress is a primary contributor to weight gain. Simply put, the more stressed you are the more likely are you to crave sugary treats and cause something we call "stress-induced weight gain." A few sugary snacks here and there won’t hurt, but feeling stressed isn't exactly a once-a-week kind of thing – so what happens is it causes a terrible stress-eating cycle and you end up getting heavier and heavier until you realize your favorite pair of pants don't fit you anymore.

Protip: Exercising helps reduce stress and so does eating "happy" fruits such as bananas. Taking a good breather or watching a funny clip also helps alleviate stress.

6. Quality Supplementation

Supplements are healthy when taken responsibly. They're also healthier when you take high quality supplements that not only provide your body's basic needs but also burn a ton of fat. When you buy supplements, make sure you buy from reputable sellers and buy only from companies you can trust.