
5 Ways To Truly Live Agelessly

Last month, an article published by NPR suggested that in many cases, seniors can have hearts that look 30 years younger than their age. In fact, the study on which this was based demonstrated that people who had been exercising throughout their lives had muscles that matched those of 25-year-olds; participants in the study were 75.

10 Reasons I Won’t Be Making New Year’s Resolutions

With all due respect to the fantastic goal gurus out there, this year I start different, and I start new. Here’s how, and 10 reasons why![MOU1] 

Celebrate Your Birthday To Celebrate You—28 Alternative Ways To Spend Your Birthday

After, oh, roughly the age of 21, birthdays get a little less exciting for a lot of people.  Instead of counting down to your birthday, you might find it sneaking up on you, leaving you no time to plan any kind of celebration.  Or maybe as an adult, you’re stuck working on your birthday and don’t feel up to making a whole day of it—or even an evening.  In this global age, perhaps you’re living far away from most of your loved ones or a recent transplant to a new city without a large local social network.  Some of us are watching our wallets and want to celebrate our big

Posture, Lifespan & The Truth About Calcium

“That’s what happens when you get old and don’t eat enough calcium.”

This statement gets repeated often enough it sounds like an old milk commercial.  It’s referring to the increasing, sometimes dramatic, rounding of the middle and upper back that happens in some older people—is that really the result of a milk deficiency?  And do some people start developing the beginnings of these changes, displaying some early evidence of rounding, much earlier? 

Healing Stones: Red Coral As The Great Activator

There is a theme running through my latest writings of tapping into life-force, the Cosmic kundalini energy within our beings to a greater degree. As energies are amping up on the planet and the process of evolution is taking each one of us deeper into the core of the Self we are being asked to harness our life-force and make the most out of our time here. Red coral is a gem that is here to help out.

How Living Abroad Boosts Your Productivity & Motivation

If you’re like most of us, you probably feel that your work habits and productivity are not near their full potential. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, boredom with your tasks, a feeling of mental/emotional depletion, or just struggling with time management—we all get to a place in our work lives where we feel somewhat stuck. Many successful people have overcome this—or avoided it completely in the first place—by moving to another country…preferably as far away as possible.

7 Ways To Reframe Your Resolutions (& Keep Them)

With jingling bells at every corner and cheery lights decking every store, December is a truly happy month. Add to that hot soups, eggnog, cakes and pies, and shopping by the dozen, and you get a season that can make you joyful inside and out.

Life’s Little Lessons: Self-Improvement

We all peer into the mirror every day, multiple times each day. But do we really “see” ourselves? Most of us maintain an outer façade—and this veneer is basically the kind of person we want people to see us as. Sometimes, this outer veneer of ours is so solidly fixed in place that we forget to self-reflect upon who we really are. And when we forget to do that, we leave no scope of self-improvement. For us to be better every day, we have to be aware of our true selves and open up a path to regular self-improvement.