Vegan Breakfast Sandwich Recipe

As a vegan, avoiding eggs can be a challenge when it comes to breakfast, but fear not! You can still enjoy your favorite breakfast sandwiches without the eggs. Tofu has always been a great substitute for eggs with its spongy texture and ability to soak up flavors. In this recipe, I use a thin slice of tofu and marinate it in nutritional yeast and spices to achieve an egg-like color and consistency. You could also crumble the tofu up and use it as a scramble, which would be equally delicious in the sandwich, but keep in mind that you just might need a napkin!

Vegan Breakfast Sandwich

Serves 1


-1 bagel (cut in half)

-1 slice of tofu

-Salt & pepper to taste

-2 teaspoons nutritional yeast

-3 slices of avocado

-2 slices of tomato

-1 piece of lettuce

-1 tablespoon olive oil or vegan butter


-Start by slicing a thin piece of tofu and pressing it to reduce the moisture.

-Mix together nutritional yeast, salt and pepper. Use the mixture to generously coat all sides of the tofu slice. 

-Cook the tofu in olive oil or vegan butter over medium heat, flipping it after 2-3 minutes.

-While the tofu is cooking, toast the bagel halves.

-Assemble your sandwich with the avocado, tomato, tofu and lettuce between each half of the bagel.

-Enjoy with a nice hot cup of coffee or tea!