
3 Healing Crystals For Mental Health: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Alexandrite

Crystals have been used for healing purposes for generations. Some crystals can aid your mental health, helping you achieve all around mental balance. Here are three crystals perfect for clearing and calming your mind (and they're really pretty too!).

Essential Oil Essentials: Blend Your Own Seasonal Scent For Autumn

Autumn is approaching, at least for those of us with discernible seasons. Though days here in Durango, Colorado, are still reaching the 90s, nights and mornings are cool and the sun is getting lower in the sky.  Whether you love pumpkin spice and changing leaves or struggle with the shortening daylight hours, a great way to mark the seasonal change is to make your own natural perfume blend for the fall. 

Carmelite Water: The Original Health Elixir

Exploring our ancestors’ use of natural remedies is a fine way to rediscover the forgotten traditional uses for several herbal combinations and tonics.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Star Of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem is a member of the family Liliaceae or Lily family of the genus Ornithogalum L. or star of Bethlehem P, containing five species.

Essential Oil Essentials: 5 Oils To Ease Sadness & Grief

When sadness hits, your energy may be low or you might feel paralyzed.  In these times, you might just skip making a fancy inhaler or spray. Just grab the bottle of oil and take a couple sniffs every couple of hours, being careful not to spill it.  If you’re going to be out and about, a spritzer is nice, as it’s easy to use and less of a disaster if it leaks in your bag.

How Heat Heals

We like to wistfully muse about our lives. To play with the concept of this—literally—self-contained unit of time. This line of thinking has been called introspection, reflection, egocentrism, existentialism…I spent a considerable amount of time inside this line of thinking when I was in school. Whenever I would share my thoughts with friends or classmates I’d inevitably get “whoa, that's so deep man” in reply, and not much else. This irked me to no end. Yet, their disinterest had meaning in and of itself. How was running on this proverbial hamster wheel at all relevant to daily life?

Natural Support For OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is quite common and involves unwanted recurring thoughts and behaviors. OCD may, for example, take the form of an obsession with germs (the “O” part), perhaps resulting in compulsive hand-washing (the “D” part). Or it may take the form of having to have things in your space organized symmetrically.

Small Animal Pets For Better Health & Wellbeing: Which One Is Right For You?

Pets are wonderful additions to households that can offer love, time, and the financial responsibilities that come with caring for an animal, but the love they can return is ten-fold. Therapy animals, which include both pets and animals that are trained as therapy animals (which requires a more extensive training background, including certified coursework and certifications), can improve social behavior and skills, reduce pain and anxiety, and help ease depression.

How Stress Keeps You Healthy

Wide eyes and a gaped mouth. Your heart is racing and your breath picks up pace. You start to sweat as your body prepares…


You’re familiar with this feeling. Actually, we all are. These are the trademarks of stress. But for everything that’s happening on the surface, there is a rolling torrent of reactions happening inside. Our body is preparing for action: to fight or to flee.

Try Nature Therapy Right Now

When I’m sad and at a loss for what to do, I’ll often head to the high country outside of Durango, Colorado. If my energy is too low to wander in the woods, I may simply park in a pull-off to sit and “check in” with Twilight Peak or Engineer Mountain.  Nothing like a giant rock that’s been there for tens of millions of years for a bit of perspective and support.