
8 Natural Remedies For Bad Dog Breath

Dogs have a bit of a reputation for having stinky breath.  We get it—they tend to eat a lot of gross things.  And the whole lack-of-opposable-thumbs thing makes it difficult for them to brush and floss their own teeth.

5 Healthy Reasons To Sip On Kombucha

The lively acidic and fermented beverage that we’ve come to know and love as kombucha has become popularized in the U.S.

The Gas You Pass: Decoding Your Flatulence

A burp is just a gust of wind arising from the heart

But when it takes a downward turn, it becomes a…


This was, of course, my dad’s favorite rhyme to recite when
I was young. Either that, or “Oops, I stepped on a frog!”

4 Tips For Chronic Sinus Congestion

Chronic stuffy sinuses may be due to allergies, diet, infection, or structural issues in the airways. More than one of these may be at play for some folks.  When the mucus is clear, the issue may be related to allergies, diet, or chronic low-level infection. Acute infections are most often viral, which means that antibiotics won’t work.

Mental Health & Your Gut

Mental illness can often seem frustratingly abstract. Unlike the flu, a broken bone, or even a paper cut, the physical manifestations of conditions like anxiety and depression can be nebulous, their sources uncertain.

Dealing With Dandruff: 6 Natural Remedies

Have you ever watched a commercial where a dark-haired man or woman is afraid of wearing a black top for fear of revealing his or her dandruff? This commercial usually advertised for a specific type of anti-dandruff shampoo and while the product may have worked, it more than likely had a slew of toxic ingredients. That said, no one wants dandruff. Dandruff can be caused by a dry scalp or be related to eczema, psoriasis, or several other skin conditions. No matter the cause, here are a few natural suggestions on dealing with dandruff, once and for all.

Tongue Scraping: A Method for Detoxing the Body and Freshening the Breath

We don’t pay the tongue much attention. A dominant feature of our mouths, it works thanklessly to help us enunciate our speech and appreciate and consume our food. Many people prefer to ignore this part of the mouth, especially in the morning, when the furry buildup that has accumulated there overnight has us running for the toothbrush.

Ask A Practitioner: All About Candida

Join every week for a Q&A session with one of Basmati’s practitioners, Melissa Hill (FDN-P)! We know that there is a lot of confusing information out there, which can make applying health advice overwhelming.  Sometimes, it’s best to ask a practitioner directly, so each week we’ll cover a common health question!

How To Purify Water In The Wilderness

Making sure that you have fresh and clean water is one of the most important skills you can have when you’re out in the wilderness. Unfortunately, even if you have a ton of water around, it isn’t necessarily safe to drink; the biggest threats to your health and future well-being are invisible to the naked eye. A microbial infection can make a problematic time being lost into something downright terrifying.

Sick? Your Kitchen Could Be The Culprit

Kitchens are supposed to be clean, hygienic and somewhat sunny in health and disposition. Is your kitchen matching up to this lovely picture or is it, in fact, harboring hidden and deadly bacteria and germs?