#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 101


Bound Inverted Tortoise Pose/ Baddha Viparita Kurmasana


Lengthens spine.

Increase spine flexibility.

Helps promote blood flow to the brain.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start lying on back, bring both legs up and over head with knees bent. Head will be between knees. Hands will come up between legs and wrap up around back.

Feet are pointed.

Legs are engaged.

Legs will not be shoulders width apart.

Back is not straight.

Keep tummy flexed while it is bent to allow easy breathing.

Heart is pressing forward.

Shoulders are down and away from ears.

Arms are wrapped around the back.

Chin will be touching cheat but attempt to keep space between the chin and chest.

The neck is long and not curved.

Head is looking forward.

Common Problems:

Heart is not pressing out causing chest to cave inward.

Feet are not flexed.

Neck is curved instead of straight, this can hurt your neck.


Can be done with a rolled up blanket underneath shoulders to help balance.

Feet can be on blocks if needed.

Hands do not have to be bound around back. Can be down at sides or in a “T” position.