Welcome to our #WellnessWednesday yoga primer. Yoga is a wonderful way to become attuned to your body and increase circulation and flexibility. Each week I'll offer you a pose with benefits and instruction.
Week Eight: Parsvottanasana/ Pyramid
- Stretches hamstrings.
- Opens your hips.
- Helps lengthen spine.
Foundation & General Alignment:
- Feet are one legs distance apart, hip width for easier balance.
- Front foot pointing forward, Back foot heel is turned in enough to set it down.
- Weight is evenly distributed.
- Legs straight, muscles fully engaged on all sides with knee caps “lifting.”
- Tone in the low belly; torso evenly extended.
- Shoulder blades draw onto back of ribs.
- Neck and head is in line with spine.
Common problems:
- Most at risk: Knees and low back.
- Hyperextension of one or both knees.
- Rounded spine - front body short.
- One shoulder higher, one lower.
- If tight, blocks under the handsor wall to teach lengthening of the spine.
- If tight, can also widen the feet a few inches out to the side.
Do not engage in if you have knee or low back issues, high blood pressure.