#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 6

Welcome to our #WellnessWednesday yoga primer. Yoga is a wonderful way to become attuned to your body and increase circulation and flexibility. Each week I'll offer you a pose with benefits and instruction. 

Week 6: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana/ One Legged Pigeon Prep



  • It’s a great hip opener.
  • Stretches quadriceps of back leg.
  • Helps relieve sciatic pain.
  • Good for menstrual cramps, constipation, and anxiety.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Front leg:

  • Knee is bent with the outer edge of the foot and leg on the floor.
  • Knee is wider than hip. (meaning your knee isn't aligned with your hip, it points out to the side a bit.)
  • Shin is parallel with the front of the mat for very flexible practitioners. If you have tighter hips then you should keep your front foot closer to the hips.

Back leg:

  • Extended directly behind the hip, with your knee and heel in line with that hip.
  • Knee points directly down to the floor.
  • Toes can be tucked under as long as you remember to keep your knee and heel aligned with your hip.
  • Pelvis is square to the front of the mat.
  • Pelvis is in neutral rotation. Belly toned and lifted.
  • In upright version, fingertips on floor bearing weight. Arms are straight. In forward folding version, forearms rest on floor.
  • Neck has a natural curve.

Common Problems:

  • Most at risk: knees, hips, and low back.
  • Back knee and foot not in like with hip.
  • Hips not level.
  • Upper back rounded.


  • Place a folded blanket or two under the hip of the forward leg.
  • Alternate for knee problems: reclined figure 4 position.